Thursday, October 31, 2019
Religion And Politics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Religion And Politics - Research Paper Example These are the fundamentals questions of this study. In addressing the research questions, we will use the method of case study. The study will focus on the Islamic Republic of Iran because it is currently the most vocal Islamic Republic against the western world. In doing the study, we shall be using the most recent works of authors considered authoritative on the subject. In this study, we shall use peer-reviewed journal articles. We expect that the use of academic journals provide adequate quality control for our sources of insights and data. However, we also use the work of Sial (2006) because even if Sial (2006) is not a journal article, the work can be considered as authoritative because it is a study of the Iranian legal or political system from the point of view of an outstanding lawyer and can be considered as â€Å"authoritative†. In this study, the key conclusion we make is that in Islamic Republics, religion plays a very important role in politics. Alamdari (2005, p. 1285) described the earlier political system in Iran as a â€Å"religious populist regime, a tyranny of the majority under the charismatic leadership†of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Had Iran’s war with Iraq (1981-1988) did not take place, Alamdari argued that Islamic populism could have ended more quickly after the 1979 Islamic Iranian revolution (Alamdari, 2005, p. 1286). The constitution adopted right after the 1979 Islamic revolution known as the Qanun-e Asasi established the Islamic Republic of Iran (Sial, 2006). The principle of velayat-e faqih (guardianship of the jurist) performs a key role in the government structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Sial, 2006). According to Sial (2006), a national referendum in December 1979 approved the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The 1979 national referendum asked Iranians at least 16 years old whether they want to abolish the monarchy and replace the monarchy with an Islamic Republic (S ial, 2006). The 1979
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase Essay
Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase - Essay Example First, the Louisiana Purchase served to double the size of the United States and consequently reduce the size of France territory (Nugent, 15). This has defined the size of the USA to present day, which would otherwise be smaller in size, while France would by now be an enormous territory (Blumberg, 22). Secondly, considering the enormous size of the territory that was purchased, and further considering the strategic position of the land, which had the greater control of the Mississippi River as well as Port Orleans, which is a strategic facility for commerce and transport, the purchase has defined the status of the United States, as a major economy in the world, and also as a superpower (Burgan, 11). However, the occurrence is also a major influence in the shift of the previous stance held by President Thomas Jefferson, who was initially an anti-federalist, thus opposed to the unification of the different State under one federal government (Cerami, 108). It is the need to have the L ouisiana territory co-joined as a part of the whole American union, owing to its strategic position for transport infrastructure and commerce that influenced President Thomas Jefferson to change is perception, and opt to have the whole territory united under one jurisdictional control, to enhance the economic prosperity of America (Lewis, 85). Nevertheless, there are two major factors that define the Louisiana Purchase as one of the pragmatic decisions ever made in the history of the USA.... Secondly, considering the enormous size of the territory that was purchased, and further considering the strategic position of the land, which had the greater control of the Mississippi River as well as Port Orleans, which is a strategic facility for commerce and transport, the purchase has defined the status of the United States, as a major economy in the world, and also as a superpower (Burgan, 11). However, the occurrence is also a major influence in the shift of the previous stance held by President Thomas Jefferson, who was initially an anti-federalist, thus opposed to the unification of the different State under one federal government (Cerami, 108). It is the need to have the Louisiana territory co-joined as a part of the whole American union, owing to its strategic position for transport infrastructure and commerce that influenced President Thomas Jefferson to change is perception, and opt to have the whole territory united under one jurisdictional control, to enhance the econ omic prosperity of America (Lewis, 85). Nevertheless, there are two major factors that define the Louisiana Purchase as one of the pragmatic decisions ever made in the history of the USA. First, the Louisiana Purchase was marred by controversy, considering that there was internal and external resistance from the white settlers in the USA and the inhabitants of the French territory respectively, but President Thomas Jefferson still went ahead and implemented the decision (Nugent, 13). This happened despite the fact that it caused the aggravation of secession move that was being advocated by the white settlers, to move out of the Union, poising their argument on the fact that; the purchase
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Invisibility And Blindness African American Novels English Literature Essay
Invisibility And Blindness African American Novels English Literature Essay Blindness and Invisibility are major topic in African American novels published in the 20th century, but often not a physical but rather psychological blindness is meant by this. It is about what the inner eye sees through the physical ones. Blindness in African American novels is often perceived to be ignorance towards black people, but we will find cases where it is the other way round. Ignorance refers to the fact that people refuse to recognize people and to notice their individuality. The two novels to be analyzed are Native Son by Richard Wright and Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. In both novels, we find physical as well as psychological blindness. By having a look at these aspects, the thesis that sight and blindness are central topics in the novels can be proven. The paper will analyze both forms of blindness in the novels. In doing so, also physical blindness and eye metaphors will be analyzed. Add Brother Jack The reader encounters Brother Jacks blindness quite late in the novel. On page 381, he Because of the fact that he has only one blind eye, he managed to stay independent. He does not need to rely completely on other peoples eyes as he has one that works. To begin with, one should first have a look at the physical blindness in the two novels. The blind character in Wights work is Mrs. Dalton and in Invisible Man it is Reverend A. Barbee. Both characters can be considered to have a symbolic meaning in the novels. They represent the real blindness and contrast it with people who are able to see with their eyes but obtain psychological blindness. Rev. Barbee is a completely blind person and he tries to hide this by wearing dark glasses during his service. In case somebody did not know he was unable to see, it would be hard to notice it. The Invisible Man and the other people sitting in the audience only notice it because he fell down and lost his glasses (Ellison 113). As a blind person, he has to rely completely on what other people tell him about the world. Because of the fact that he is so dependent on other people, he trusts or rather has to trust other people more. This trust makes him vulnerable. For examples, he believes Bledsoe t o be honest when he tells Barbee that he is going to preach to black college students only. This brings the Reverend in an embarrassing situation, as he talks about the black identity, the integration of the black people and calls the audience daughters and granddaughters, sons and grandsons, of slaves (101). It seems as if Bledsoe only uses Barbee to impress guests and not because Bledsoe likes Barbee and the way he preaches. Due to his inability to see the reality, he flees into his ideal world of religion and feels comfortable under the protection of God. Now the physical blindness of Mrs. Dalton will be analyzed. She is the only character who really is blind and therefore represents the real blindness in the book. As she is not able to see, she depends on other people telling her how the world and its people look like. The fact that she relies on other people telling her how to perceive her surroundings leads to the fact that she gets influenced by them and their prejudices. For example, she is not capable to see that Biggers skin color is different and this is the reason why she should not treat him differently. Nevertheless, she does so because the people in her environment constantly tell her that he is a black, poor guy who needs their support and needs a job to improve his conditions in life. One could argue that she is not only physically, but also psychologically blinded by prejudices because he environment makes her to act like this. In contrast to her husband, she will never be able to see again and to get rid of prejudices. She will always have to rely on other peoples opinions and on their eyes. In case her husband never opens his eyes and starts to see Bigger (and everyone who is like him) as an individual, Mrs. Dalton will always stay in his situation. The next section of the paper is concerned with psychological blindness. In the first part of it, eye metaphors found in Ellisons novel will be analyzed to prove that there are a lot of allusions made to the human eye. The second part of it deals with blindness and invisibility in Native Son. In the following three metaphors that are concerned with the eye are presented. Ellison used these metaphors as a tool to remind the reader that the bock is about sight and blindness. We find a lot of these reminders throughout the whole novel. The first one that can be found in the novel is in the scene of the battle royal. The black men that fight against each other have to wear blindfolds, which make them unable to see their surroundings. The boys fighting in the ring are not only physically blind, but also emotionally. They do not feel how the white people sitting in the outside of the ring are amused by them and how their reactions are. They do not see that they are only used to entertain t hem and that there will be no gold or other rewards waiting for them after the battle. They are blinded what the white people told them and they are also so blinded that they do not wonder about the gold bars being under electric power. In contrast to the black people fighting in the ring, the whites watching them also seem to be blinded, as they are not able to recognize the humanity and individuality of the fighters. Even though the audience and the fighters have very different roles in this scene, there seems to be a similarity between the two groups. They are both blind. Although there is the ring between them, there is blindness on both sides of the ring. The next metaphor I want to refer to can be found in the hospital scene, in which the Invisible Man wakes up after an accident in the paint factory. When he first opens his eyes, he feels very dizzy and describes his first sights as follows: sitting in a cold, white rigid chair and a man was looking at [him] out of a bright th ird eye that glowed from the centre of his forehead (188 Penguin). The narrator is too confused and too dizzy to notice that the third eye he is talking about is a simple stethoscope. After the man has gone out of the room, the narrator still seems to feel the presence of the third eye: the bright eye still burning into [his] (189 Penguin). This symbolizes the importance of the third eye to the Invisible Man because he takes its presence and its impact on him very serious. Nonetheless, the narrator does not know what to do with this experience and does not know what to think of it. He seems very confused. It seems as if the narrator feels to be observed by the third eye. During the scene in which he gets the electric shocks, we can notice a lot of other words that refer to the topic of sight or eyes. On page 190 (penguin), he sees a circle of light and a woman with gold nose glasses. In addition to this, he sees someone that looks at the Invisible Man with eyes behind the thick glas ses blinking as though noticing [him] for the first time (190 penguin). All this refers to the narrators feeling of being watched steadily. The third and last metaphor to be mentioned here is that of the dark sunglasses. When the narrator disguises with some new clothes to flee from Ras the Exhorter, he buys dark sunglasses to hide himself. They are so dark that he cannot see properly. Thus, the sunglasses do not only make him invisible, but also change his own view of the world, as he sees it as this: the streets swarmed in a green vagueness (388 Penguin) and faces were a mysterious blur (389 Penguin). The new sunglasses have two functions in his life: In the first place, they provide him protection, as nobody can recognize him (one woman even thinks he is Rinehart). In the second place, they provide him with blindness, which prevents him from seeing the real world. Another aspect that points to the importance of blindness in Invisible Man is the fact that some names of the characters make allusions to blindness. The reader is consciously or unconsciously aware of them, but it is clear that it contributes to the overall shape of the book. One of these characters is Reverend Homer A. Barbee. His name alludes to blindness, as Homer, a Greek poet, was blind as well. It is believed that the name Homer came from the Greek ho mÄâ€Å" horÃ…Â n, which means the person who does not see. His surname Barbee can be linked to the famous Barbie doll, which was launched on the market a couple of years before the novel was published. The doll represented an ideal world in which little girls flee, similar to Barbees ideal world of religion. Another aspect that might be comparable is the fact that the Barbie doll spread as successful through the world as once Christianity did. In the next chapter I would like to focus on the psychological blindness in Wrights Native Son. Biggers own blindness and the blindness of the people in his environment should be analyzed. Psychological blindness arises a lot of problems in the characters lives. Having a look at Biggers blindness, there are several hints in the novel which propose that is unable to see clearly and thus suffers from a lack of reality. In the very beginning of the novel, the author makes an illusion to physical blindness because Bigger is rubbing his eyes (Wright 7). In a this state, when you have just woken up and cannot see clearly, a person is almost blind and also thinking is not that easy. No matter what Bigger does in the next moment after waking up, this action will be very unconscious or even intuitively, because he cannot see properly nor is he able to think about his behavior. He can only act like an animal and is blind to his environment. A similar scene is that in which Bigger threatens his friend Gus, holding a knife in his hand. Wright describes his eyes as bloodshot (40), which leads to the fact that his sight cannot be clear. A lot of other scenes can be found, in which Biggers sight seems to be disturbed. When he find himself in Marys bedroom, he feels blinded by the hazy blue light (85) and his eyes are out of focus and thus unable to perceive reality in any clear way. In the moment when Mrs. Dalton enters the room, Bigger only perceives her as a white blur (84). Also, Wright mentions that reality of it all slipped from him (222). His loss of reality and his inability to see and think properly could be an explanation for the murders of Mary and Bessie. Bigger could have been to recognize that Mrs. Dalton is already unable to see him and just be silent until she leaves the room. Instead, Bigger killed Mary. He could have easily escaped from the situation. Also, he did not understand in advance that the murder of Bessie can make his whole situation even worse than improving it. His inability to see can be made responsible for the fact that he could not think clearly and was blinded by his surroundings. He is too blind to realize what he is actually doing and what these actions mean. The reader has to understand that in the case of Bigger, real blindness and the psychological one are more connected that expected. Biggers physical blindness leads to his psychological one. Now we are going to have a look at the people in Biggers surrounding, which all refuse to see him as an individual. Mary is the first character to be analyzed in this section. She grew up in rich family, where she never had problems and always got what she wants. She does not know anything about the world outside of her ideal world. This is the reason why she is blind towards everything outside her little world and this makes it impossible for her to understand Bigger. Her unawareness of the world is also displayed in the scene where she wants to see a real place (69), where only Black people are. She always says that she is interested to see how they (the African Americans) live, but in fact she is unable to understand anything because she is so much blinded by her family. Bessie, Biggers girlfriend, brings herself into a blind position as she flees reality by drinking a lot of alcohol. By doing this, she cannot judge anymore what is right and wrong and she also not capable anymore to understand Bigger and to notice his individuality. This is the reason why he feels misunderstood. She also does not recognize that Bigger does not really love her but only uses her for his own pleasure. Biggers mother does not use alcohol, but religion and prayers to flee reality. If there is a problem, she simply praises the Lord. She is unwilling to accept that her innocent son is a murder and only prays to God, thinking that this is the only way somebody could help her son. Thus, she is not only blinded by her religion, but also by the love a mother has for her child. Even after Bigger admitted his crime she does not want to believe it. Jan and Boris May are blinded by their communist views and their goal to convince black people of its benefits. They see in Bigger only a poor boy that never really had a chance in life. In their feelings towards Bigger, there is also a lot of sympathy involved. The same could be said for the Daltons, who feels a lot of sympathy for Bigger and try to give him a chance to improve his life. For the media Bigger represents a monster. They are blinded and driven by their prejudice that black men like to rape white girls and accuse him of this crime, even though there is no real evidence for it. In sum, I can say that not only Mrs. Dalton, but a lot of other characters of Wrights Native Son were blind. They just see the stereotype of a poor American boy and not the personality that hides behind the surface. He turns into somebody that does not exist for his surroundings and thus he is invisible. One could say that the blindness that other characters have towards him leads to the fact that he is invisible. This thesis can also be applied to Ellisons Invisible Man. Although the title already suggests that the main character is invisible, it can also be deduced from its content. The Invisible Man is invisible because the people surrounding him treat him like he was not there; as if he did not exist at all. They do not care about his feelings and do not notice his individuality. For example, the Brotherhood only tries to use him for their own purposes, ignoring his own interests. In conclusion, it can be said that the human ability to see or not to see is a major topic in the two novels, as there can be found a lot of metaphors and allusions towards the characters eyes. One could even say that blindness guides the reader like a red line through the novels. The allusions made by the authors constantly remind the reader of the importance of seeing. The reader has to keep in mind that blindness can be understood in different ways. The most obvious meaning is physical blindness, which is represented by Mrs. Dalton in Native Son, and Rev. Barbee in Invisible Man. Their blindness can be transferred to other character in the novel and make them blind, too. For example, Mrs. Dalton is unable to see Bigger, not only literally, but also metaphorically, as she cannot see his individuality and his character. She is blinded by prejudices. This makes Bigger invisible for her and for many other people who are influenced by these prejudices. The psychological meaning of blin dness can be split up into an internal and external blindness. This means that a character can be blind himself (e.g. as Bigger who loses his sense of reality or Mrs. Dalton, who is really blind) or s/he can become blind or invisible for other people.
Friday, October 25, 2019
JRR Tolkiens The Hobbit Essay -- Essays Papers
JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit The Hobbit tells the story of a comfortable, friendly creature named Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo, like most hobbits, is similar to a human, but about half the size, and much more nible because they have leathery soles on thier feet, and not nearly as loud. Bilbo gets caught up in mysterious affairs much greater than his own hobbit-life affairs when, at the recommendation of a mysterious old wizard named Gandalf, he is hired as a "burglar" by a group of dwarves. These dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield, son of Throror, son of Thrain are going to the Lonely Mountain in the East to reclaim their family's massive treasure from the great dragon Smaug who lives deep in the bowls of the lonely mountain. Along the way, the company gets into trouble with goblins who live in the misty mountains, spiders who live in Mirkwood forest, and other destructive and harmful creatures, and they often escape only because of the assistance of Gandalf and other good creatures they meet. Bilbo proves himself essential to the quest, saving the dwarves on many occasions with his valor and skill. His success is partly due to a magic ring that he takes from a strange, dark creature named Gollum, who lives in the dank, dark caves below the Misty Mountains. Gollum is clammy and slimy and he refers to his ring as my precious. Bilbo even manages to discover Smaug's weak spot, the bare area under his ear, which allows the dragon to be killed and the treasure divided. However, the ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Trifles: An Investigation of The Murder of John Wright
The short story Trifles written by Susan Glaspell is a story regarding the investigation of the murder of John Wright by his wife, Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Hale is the wife of Mr. Hale, one of the men investigating the murder, and the neighbor of the Wrights. While the men investigate around the farmhouse looking for clues to prove Mrs. Wright was guilty, Mrs. Hale is downstairs with Mrs. Peters discovering their own evidence in the mishaps of Mrs. Wrights cleaning and sewing. Mrs. Hale begins to reminisce on how cheerful and full of life Mrs.Wright was prior to her marriage. She regrets not visiting with Mrs. Wright throughout the years especially since they were neighbors. Upon finding the unfinished quilt and the empty bird cage, they discover a dead canary with a strangled neck, the same way Mr. Wright’s neck was strangled. She begins to see the reasoning for Mrs. Wright murdering her husband. She concludes that Mrs. Wright was unhappy with her marriage and possibly neglected. Sh e decides to keep this information between her and Mrs. Peters instead of informing the men of their findings. Why would Mrs.Hale’s change in view of Mrs. Wright make her justify the reasoning behind why she murdered her husband? Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is a theory developed by Abraham Maslow to understand human motivation to fulfill our peak potential. It is described as a model which is divided into our basic needs (physiology, safety, love and esteem) and our growth needs (cognitive, aesthetic, and self-actualization. ) (McLeod, 2007) Saul McLeod believes that one must satisfy lower level basic needs before progressing to meet higher level growth needs. (McLeod, 2007) Mrs.Hales regresses from the cognitive need down to the love and belonging need as she begins to see Mrs. Wright as the friend whom she used to have and because of this she believes she was in an unhappy and neglected marriage, which has driven her to murder her husband. After entering the Wright house, wh ich is now a crime scene for the murder of Mr. Wright, Mrs. Hale is left alone downstairs with Mrs. Peters while the men go upstairs to find evidence to prove that Mrs. Wright murdered her husband. Upon engaging in conversation Mrs. Hale’s cognitive need becomes apparent when they inspect the knitting on Mrs.Wrights quilt. Mrs. Hales states â€Å"Mrs. Peters, look at this one. Here, this is the one she was working on, and look at the sewing! All the rest of it has been so nice and even. And look at this! It’s all over the place! Why, it looks as if she didn't know what she was about. †(Glaspell, 666). Mrs. Hale suspects that something could have caused the negligence of her stitching, She asks Mrs. Peters â€Å"What do you supposed she was so nervous about? †(Glaspell, 666) She seemed intrigued, insinuating there may have been a reason which drove her to murder her husband. Mrs.Hale is staggering on the cognitive level which is preventing her from progre ssing on to the next level of aesthetic because she is not concerned with her own needs to express herself in a pleasing way, But to express Mrs. Wright in a more pleasing way and not as some horrific murderer. Mrs. Hale goes on to explain to Mrs. Peters; â€Å"I wish you’d seen Minnie Foster when she wore a white dress with blue ribbons and stood up there in the choir and sang. †(Glaspell, 670) She wants Mrs. Peters to view Mrs. Wright in the positive way that she was prior to her failed marriage.This actually shows her regression down to the love and belonging level. Towards the end of the play she realizes that she has been so busy in her life that she had neglected her friend in a time of need. She regrets not visiting her, stating that â€Å"I wish I’d come over here once in a while! That was a crime! That was a crime! Who’s going to punish that? †(Glaspell, 670) She feels guilty for not realizing that Mrs. Wright needed help. She tells Mrs. Peters â€Å"I might have known she needed help! I know how things can be-for women. I tell you, it’s queer, Mrs.Peters. We live so close together and we live far apart. †(Glaspell, 670) Mrs. Hale wishes she had been a better friend to Mrs. Wright and by doing that feels that could have helped prevent the murder from even happening. Maslows Law is a good theory to represent the understanding of Mrs. Hale, it signifies the importance of better understanding why she acted as she did. We use Maslows Law of Hierarchy Needs to better understand what motivates us to reach our full potential. According to McLeod, â€Å"progress is often disrupted by failure to meet lower level needs. (McLeod, 2007) Because Mrs. Hale had begun to care for her old friend, after trying to figure out what caused her to become a murder, She had regressed back down to the love and belonging level, Thus preventing her from progressing to the aesthetic level. WORKS CITED: McLeod, S. A. (2007). Mas low's Hierarchy of Needs. Glaspell, Susan. â€Å"Trifles. †Backpack Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing Fourth Edition. Ed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. , 2012. 659-671. Print.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A New House Readiness Essay
When making a decision to purchase a new house, one of the economic principles which one must consider will be that people face tradeoffs. If one decides to purchase a new house, he or she will need to give up things such as a holiday, new truck or what they eat which the same amount of money can purchase. In this case, one will need to weigh the priorities. For example, purchasing a new house may make travelling to school and local services more convenient, however it will require one to give up the purchase of a new car which makes travelling to work more inconvenient. Depending on what the decision maker feels is more important, he or she will decide for or against the decision to purchase the house. One of the principles of economics states that trade can make everyone better off. When trade flourishes, it results in a greater purchasing power. In such a case, marginal costs appear small owing to a better purchasing power among people. In this situation, marginal benefits exceed marginal costs and it would be a good idea to purchase the new house Another economic principle which one should consider will be to think at the margin. This will involve weighing marginal benefits and costs of the decision. In this case, marginal benefits of purchasing the house will be its close proximity which will be close to schools and local services. In addition purchasing a new house will provide cleaner, larger and newer space which will improve living conditions. However, marginal costs will include that of lowering one’s disposable income which will lower their ability to purchase other goods such as baby food necessary for the growth of the child. The marginal costs and benefits of the decision to purchase a house will depend on the other factors such as income level. When income level is low, purchasing a new house will greatly affect the disposable income and purchasing power of the decision-maker, hence it is more likely that the person make the decision against purchasing a new house.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Cashing in on Local Copywriting Gigs
Cashing in on Local Copywriting Gigs When I began freelancing over a decade ago, I greatly enjoyed the challenge of pitching and achieving payment for writing magazine articles. But since the assignments weren’t easy to come My first step was to learn about search engine optimization (SEO) so I could attract clients to my website. That meant creating pages on my site for keyword combinations like â€Å"Sacramento copywriter†and â€Å"Sacramento freelance writer.†I also targeted a wider area with pages for â€Å"Silicon Valley copywriter†and â€Å"California freelance writer.†I decided that I would specialize in electronic newsletters, which included writing, creating, and managing them with Constant Contact. I planned to target my favorite local day spa as my first potential client, but I couldn’t find an email address for the owner (and I was too chicken to pick up the phone). So, I typed up a letter letting him know I was a long-time customer of the spa, as well as a local copywriter and marketing expert. I said that he was missing out on business opportunities I wrote and managed his electronic newsletter for $1,100 per month- a contract that went on for several years. And that client referred me to several other day spas near While my newsletter business grew, I joined several local networking groups, including two women’s business groups and the Sacramento chapter of Business Networking International (BNI). Referral groups like BNI and LeTip International conduct weekly meetings where local business owners share details about the services they offer. Among the many real estate agents, insurance brokers, and life coaches, I stood out as one of the only copywriters in the area- at least the only one who was showing up to those events. At one of the meetings, I met a website designer. He said his greatest challenge was getting his clients to write the copy for their web pages, which caused his projects to slow to a grinding halt. â€Å"If you can write the web page copy for them, you’ll make my life so much easier.†I agreed, and he referred three clients to me that first week. I charged around $200 per page, with a five-page minimum. The pages usually included Home, About, and several services pages. I taught clients that listing their services on individual pages with focused keyword combinations was good for their SEO. This allowed me to bring additional value to their businesses while also expanding the scope of my projects. I would usually meet with the clients in person or It wasn’t long before I began attracting clients outside of the area, thanks to the SEO I’d applied to my website. Several Silicon Valley companies hired me for various copywriting projects. One company actually hired me to write a unique greeting for the company holiday card. Just two lines of text, billed at my minimum project rate ($500)! My copywriting business grew so quickly that If you’re hungry for new ways to boost your writing business revenue, consider getting out in your local community. There are more business networking events than ever before. Aside from those I’ve already mentioned, check out your chambers of commerce, service groups like Rotary, and groups organized on With a little effort and a dash of luck, your business could grow quickly, too.
Monday, October 21, 2019
buy custom Taxes on Tobacco and Alcohol essay
buy custom Taxes on Tobacco and Alcohol essay Alcohol and tobacco have always been very controversial products. On the one hand, they greatly support the world economy, but they ruin peoples lives. According to the World Health Organization, almost six million people die from tobacco use and two and a half million from harmful effect of alcohol each year worldwide (Join Together Staff, 2011). These are only those, who die directly from the diseases caused by alcohol and tobacco. However, there are even more severe consequences, as these products weaken the overall health and immune system, which make people more susceptible to various diseases and infections. The high consumption of tobacco and alcoholic products is affecting the health of the consumers and puts under risk the lives of others who consume the products raising ethical questions. Accidents and crashes resulting from driving under the influence of alcohol and diseases contracted by those who are exposed to tobacco fumes are just but a few examples. There is a significant relationship between the consumption of alcohol and tobacco and the increase in the medical cost according to Rehm et al. (2006). Tobacco and alcohol products have been used since times immemorial. The magnitude has kept rising with the increasing population. The products have been established to cause preventable deaths in many countries. The use of the two sets of products simultaneously is evident with most of those who consume alcohol and smoke or vice versa. It is quite hard to quit smoking or drinking alcohol once the person has practicing the habit for a while. There is an established link between the use of alcohol and tobacco products and the complications that include cancers, heart disease and lung disease. The treatment of a complication related to the use of the products is proving to be both chalenging and expensive. The lives lost due to alcohol and tobacco related causes exceed 100,000 people annually with expenditure in excess of $185 billion in United States. The loss of live has a direct impact on the economic aspects of life. People, who are expected to work, are removed from the workforce. The problem is worsening by the fact that the majority of alcohol abusers are at the same time tobacco smokers. There are several causes of that: the use of alcohol may increase the positive effects of tobacco (or vice versa) as well as it may decrease the negative ones. Alcohol and tobacco become bad habits which are difficult to quit. It is not only a physical dependence, but a physiological one as well. In their early years teenagers and children watch movies in cinemas and on TV, where tobacco and alcohol are promoted. Companies that produce alcohol and cigarettes spend a lot of money in order to make their products popular. Moreover, there is too much advertisement on the streets, in the magazines and journals, which are decorated by all the rules to make it attractive, fashionable and desirable. Unfortunately, in todays mercantile world, where the money is the number one target, more of it is spent on promoting alcohol and tobacco than on explaining the negative effects of these products. Addiction to alcohol and tobacco are the most common mental health problems among teenagers (Join Together Staff, 2013). The Centers for Disease Control Prevention states that around one million teenagers abuse drugs and alcohol, while around 700,000 are addicted to tobacco (Join Together Staff, 2013). There are many reasons why teenagers, even under 18 (the lowest tobacco and alcohol age limit in the world) smoke and drink a lot. These are, for example, fake identification documents, which are afforrdable in many countries. In the developing countries the situation is even worse, as there is a high corruption level and sellers are not afraid to sell cigarettes and alcohol to the kids in order to gain more profit. The problem of alcohol and tobacco consumption is recognized worldwide. However, it is hard to decrease the negative effects of this problem, as the industry receives high profits. Tobacco and alcohol taxes must be increased in order to pay for rising medical cost. This will lower the tax burden for those citizens who do not smoke or drink alcohol but still need to pay high taxes in order to fulfill the lack of money for treatment of those people whose diseases are caused by alcohol and tobacco consumption. Alcohol and tobacco producers earn a lot by doing their business. In fact, their income is formed due to the health deterioration of millions of people all over the world. The free market economy does not allow the government to ban alcohol and tobacco sales. Customers are free to choose what to do with their lives. However, when the problems occur, alcohol drinkers and smokers go to hospitals, which are kept at the expense of all citizens. It is not fair that a person that lives a healthy life have to pay for the person who intentionally shortens ones life. Thus, the only way out is to make the smokers and alcohol drinkers pay more for their future treatment expenses. Increase of taxes on alcohol and tobacco will make smokers and drinkers pay in advance for their health problems. Of course, the companies that produce alcohol and tobacco will not pay more after the tax increase, but will pass these expenses to the consumers wallet. Thus, the price for the products will be increased, which will lead to several positive changes. Buy custom Taxes on Tobacco and Alcohol essay
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Learn About Homonyms and See Examples
Learn About Homonyms and See Examples Homonyms are two or more words that have the same sound or spelling but differ in meaning. Adjectives: homonymic and homonymous. Generally, the term homonym refers both to homophones (words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings, such as pair and pear) and to homographs (words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, such as bow your head and tied in a bow). Note that some dictionaries and textbooks define and distinguish these three terms in different ways. Some equate homonyms only with homophones (words that sound the same). Others equate homonymns only with homographs (words that look the same). See the observations below by Tom McArthur and David Rothwell. Also see Homophones and Homographs: An American Dictionary, 4th ed., by James B. Hobbs (McFarland Company, 2006). Pronunciation HOM-i-nims Etymology From the Greek, same name Examples and Observations Mine is a long and sad tale! said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing.It is a long tail, certainly, said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouses tail; but why do you call it sad?(Lewis Carroll, Alices Adventures in Wonderland)Your children need your presence more than your presents.(Jesse Jackson)I enjoy bass fishing and playing the bass guitar.The groups lead singer carried a lead pipe for protection.His death, which happend in his berth,At forty-odd befell:They went and told the sexton, andThe sexton tolld the bell.(Thomas Hood, Faithless Sally Brown)Attend your Church, the parson cries:To church each fair one goes;The old go there to close their eyes,The young to eye their clothes.Mae Maebe Funke: Do you guys know where I could get one of those gold T-shaped pendants?Michael: Thats a cross.Mae Maebe Funke: Across from where?(Alia Shawkat and Jason Bateman in Arrested Development) Homonymy A case of homonymy is one of an ambiguous word whose different senses are far apart from each other and not obviously related to each other in any way with respect to a native speakers intuition. Cases of homonymy seem very definitely to be matters of mere accident or coincidence. (James R. Hurford, Brendan Heasley, and Michael B. Smith, Semantics: A Coursebook, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2007) Three Kinds of Homonyms There are three kinds [of homonyms]: those that sound and look alike (bank a slope, bank a place for money, and bank a bench or row of switches); homophones, that sound alike but do not look alike (coarse, course); and homographs, that look alike but do not sound alike (the verb lead, the metal lead). . . . There are over 3,000 homographs in the Concise Oxford Dictionary (8th edition, 1990). (Tom McArthur, Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press, 1992) Homographs and Homophones The reason that there is confusion and a lack of clarity over homonym is that it is closely related to two other words, homograph and homophone. I shall, therefore, define these words first. It is possible for a word to be a homograph or a homophone. However, whatever the word may be, it is also, by definition, a homonym. In other words, homonym is a conceptual word that embraces both homographs and homophones. . . . [H]omonym is just the collective noun for homograph and homophone. (David Rothwell, Dictionary of Homonyms. Wordsworth, 2007) A homograph is a word that is spelled identically to another word but none the less has a different meaning and probably a different origin. You will doubtless be annoyed if you tear your trousers while climbing over a fence. Indeed, you may be so upset that you shed a tear. As you can see, tear and tear are spelled identically, but they are pronounced differently and have entirely different meanings. They are good examples of a homograph. Many homographs are not even pronounced differently. Thus the word hide sounds exactly the same whether you are talking about the skin of an animal, a measure of land or the verb meaning to conceal or keep out of sight. A homophone is a word that sounds exactly like another word but has a different meaning and a different spelling. If you stand on the stair and stare at the picture, you have a good example of a couple of homophones. . . . The Lighter Side of Homonyms Secret-keeping is a complicated endeavor. One has to be concerned not only about what one says, but about facial expressions, autonomic reflexes. When I try to deceive, I myself have more nervous tics than a Lyme disease research facility. [pause] Its a joke. It relies on the homonymic relationship between tick, the blood-sucking arachnid, and tic, the involuntary muscular contraction. I made it up myself. (Jim Parsons as Sheldon Cooper in The Bad Fish Paradigm. The Big Bang Theory, 2008) Test your knowledge by taking this Commonly Confused Words Quiz
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Nursing assesment and its role in care planning Essay
Nursing assesment and its role in care planning - Essay Example ing alarm/rescue, and frequency/pattern of falls; assessment include emergency care fundamentals such as airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure; locomotor problems include physiological effects of aging; loss refers to reduced or loss of vision; and social circumstances include history of social circumstances, support network people, and type of housing or social contact (Jones, Endacott & Crouch 2003, p. 82). Applying the assessment tool, the nurse has gathered the following assessment data: Patient X fell on the ground at 5:00 pm. She has been lying still on the ground for 3 hours in her house until help is sought by a concerned neighbor. Assessment of fall history revealed a misplaced placemat on the floor as a hazard for the occurrence of fall. The patient only regained consciousness when she’s in the hospital and clearly recollects incident of fall and other previous experiences. Patient X has no method of raising alarm/rescue and there were no other fre quency/pattern of falls except for the current incident. Nursing assessment revealed a patent airway and a regular breathing pattern (20 breaths /minute). Circulatory perfusion is assessed using the neurovascular examination and found a 3 seconds toe capillary time which indicate that the circulation in the lower extremity are starting to be compromised (Brunner et al. 2009, p. 2100). Neurological assessment described Patient X as lethargic upon admission and GCS scores totaled to 12 because of lapses in verbal responses due to confusion and disorientation and withdrawal of motor responses when pain is experienced. A full physical assessment were done presenting fall impact on the lateral aspect of the hip, pain the groin with radiation to the knee, pain exacerbated by movement, and inability to... The paper tells that fractured neck of the femur is more common among older people and women and affected individuals are likely to experience significant distress, physical pain, complications, and possible incapacitation. The acronym FALLS served as assessment guidelines for older people who have fallen. FALLS stands for falls history, assessment, locomotor problems, loss, and social circumstances. The Hendrich II Fall Risk Model is used in assessing the degree of risk of falls among elderly population whereas the In Ottawa knee rules identifies the need for further investigation, imaging, or X-ray. The case scenario of Patient X identified nursing care needs in peripheral circulation, safe discharge, and independent rehabilitation. To improve tissue perfusion in peripheral areas, nurses need to: perform patient assessment and monitoring which includes ABCs, C-spine and hemorrhage control to aid the nurse in discovering overt/covert changes in patient’s status at frequent i ntervals; perform neurological exam such as Glasgow Coma Scale and note vital signs at frequent intervals to early recognize changes and to provide timely and appropriate care; and perform capillary refill checks and assessment of neurovascular function of the immobilized extremity to determine status of tissue perfusion. Discharge plans follow as tissue perfusion is resolved. An effective discharge plan follows the Department of Health’s key principles in discharge planning and is holistic, promote active and equal partnership, well-coordinated, and maximized to the full potential.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6
Poetry - Essay Example Comparatively, the changes may be drastic but the impact of his poems remain the same and it is for this reason that he remained an influential poet throughout his lifetime and beyond. â€Å"A Map of the City†is that characteristic early work of Gunn which encapsulates why he had become a prominent name in The Movement in the 1950s. The style, incorporating the obvious rhythm and rhyme in each line, makes it in that great British tradition of classic poetry. The first stanza, in all its four lines ends with the same syllable with much stress on the ‘e’ sound. This recurs throughout the poem together with other syllabic sounds that are used regularly throughout. Also, the poem was traditionally constructed as a quatrain with four lines in each of its five stanzas. Then, with â€Å"On The Move ‘Man, You Gotta Go.’†there has been a slight deviation from the traditional meter with the use of varying rhymes but certain sounds recur such as the ‘o’ and ‘e’ sounds. There is also still that inclination to adhere to traditional form as each of the five stanzas is composed of an octave. However, though the ‘e’ and ‘th’ sounds are also repeated in â€Å"In Time of Plague,†they do not appear to be placed consciously as Gunn moves toward the free verse approach. The stanzas do not have uniformity in terms of rhyme and meter as the first stanza has 13 lines, the second has 15, the third has four, and the last has six. This shows an unrestricted adoption of poetic verse where Gunn has transformed his poetry away from the identity of The Movement toward a nonconformist standpoint. It would be amiss to talk about or even understand how the poetry of Gunn has progressed without taking into consideration the major changes he had effected in his life. In his earlier years, Gunn had already established himself as a major poet alongside Larkin
Visual Depictions of Bodies in Nazi Ideology Term Paper
Visual Depictions of Bodies in Nazi Ideology - Term Paper Example The physical effects of starvation of the body include body wasting, susceptibility to disease and eventually death. Starvation physically transforms its victims. Jews were the victims of Nazis food policies. If a body is starved, it will compensate for lack of calorie intake by consuming body fat. Bodies experience rapid weight loss where even their clothing becomes too big for their bodies. One of the articles which record the effects of starvation to bodies of the Jews was Oskar Rosenfeld Ghetto diaries. However, a sign of physical transformation of ghetto inhabitants was an advertisement recorded in the chronicle stating, â€Å"Men’s Collars Taken in a barber shop at 13 Lutomierska Street†. In his Ghetto diaries, Rosenfeld further observed that in the beginning, the abdomen gets loose and eventually sags. A description of victims of starvation in the Divine Comedy as quoted by Piero Camporesi in his work Bread of Dreams similarly took note of the sagging, empty stom ach of the starving further observing how on victims of hunger, â€Å"The flesh becomes thin, and remains attached to the bones like a spider-web.†The Nazis were aware of the murderous effects of their food policies, and they allowed those policies to continue, resulting in the mass execution of the Jews in the ghettos. Nazi ideologues including Himmler, food distribution bureaucrats, regular and special police, among others all played a role in implementing the slow process of extermination of the Jewish people through man-made famine.
Short Answers to Marketing Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Short Answers to Marketing Questions - Essay Example Pricing involves deciding the right price on the basis of competition and desired margins. Besides, planning marketing strategy is an overriding function of marketing management where planning for various marketing activities is done in accordance with organizational goals. 2. Developing a new product generally involves seven steps. The first step is the idea generation where the idea may be regarding a new innovation or customization of an existing product to new market, target segment or geography. The second step is screening where useful ideas are shortlisted from a large number of ideas. In the third step, the testing of the idea or concept is performed. Fourth step involves financial and technical analysis of the prospective product. The fifth step is the actual development or design of the new product. In the next step, test marketing is done on a focus group or selected markets. The last step is the commercialization of the product which is also called Go to Market. 3. The pr oduct life cycle shows the path of a product in an industry through 4 stages. Consider the example of an electronic product such as a mobile phone. A new mobile phone is introduced into the market in its first stage with a lot of marketing hype to make it attractive to customers. As customers buy it and realize its benefits, more customers buy the mobile phone leading the product towards a growth stage. After the product sales reach a peak, it is no longer very attractive to customers because of introduction of new advanced products and technologies by competitors. The product reaches a maturity stage. Finally, the mobile phone is no longer attractive to customers. Its features become obsolete. It reaches a decline stage and is phased out of the market. 4. An organization can primarily use 4 promotional methods in its promotion mix. Advertising involves non-personal communication through mass media. For example, advertisement of a soap over TV. Personal selling is aimed at informing and convincing customers personally to buy products. For example, Sales representatives selling credit cards. Public relations include maintaining indirect relations with customers through useful sources such as favorable articles in newspapers. Sales promotion contains activities such as providing incentives and gift vouchers to boost sales. 5. While creating an advertising campaign, the company firstly needs to identify the target audience. Secondly, the company must decide the quantifiable objectives to be conveyed to the prospective customers as a result of the campaign. Thirdly, the organization must create the advertising platform containing issues important to both company and the customers. Thereafter, the organization needs to decide the money to be spent and the media forms to be used. Lastly, the company must decide how to measure the advertising effectiveness. 6. Public relations are a set of communication steps taken by an organization to maintain a healthy relationshi p between itself and its various stakeholders. A company can reach almost anyone through public relations. For example, a positive newspaper article describing the efficient manufacturing process in a steel factory can go a long way in establish good relations with customers, shareholders, government, environmental regulatory agencies, NGOs, suppliers and so on. 7. The competition between two or more firms is said to be price competition when the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Businses Finance Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Businses Finance - Speech or Presentation Example As we know that, risk-free rate implies that a rate of return than we can obtain without taking any risk but in reality there is no such investment that is absolutely risk free. Even the safest investments carry some amount of risk. Since, treasury bills are the most reliable and safest investments therefore in the practical world the interest rate on US Treasury bills are often used as risk-free rate (krf). Similarly, common proxies for computing market risk (km) are S&P 500 and the New York Stock Exchange Index (Besley and Brigham 2000). Finally, betas are estimated with the help linear regression models on the basis of returns for the index (S&P 500) in the corporate domain. Although the CAPM has gained real appreciation all over the world but since it is built on certain assumptions therefore those assumptions might not hold true all the times which reduce the reliability of CAPM. For instance, it assumes that returns are normally distributed but we know that there can be prodigious leaps in the market even as big as 5 to 7 standard deviations away from the mean. Similarly it also assumes that there is no inflation but we are quite aware of the fact about the real world as we don’t know how much the prices rise after a day. Hence, these flaws make the CAPM model inconsistent with the real
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Lightinthebox Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Lightinthebox - Essay Example However, prior to placing orders, it is important for customers to thoroughly review the store’s return policies. The products that this online shopping centre deals in include women’s clothing, dresses, electronics, and shoes among other product categories that may interest customers. Online shopping mainly denotes purchasing products or other services via the internet. This type of shopping is now popular across the globe as a result of advancement in the use of ICT, it is considered to be convenient and also attract lower prices. This is more so during the holiday season where shoppers are able to avoid the hectic process of visiting several stores physically or standing in long queues in order to purchase a certain item (.Jifeng, Sulin & Han 2012, p.1131). This paper provides a critical discussion of the business of, an online shopping store. This online shopping store mainly sells goods produced in China to other parts of the world. The products that this online store retail are considered to be affordable and targets every hobby or lifestyle by customers across the globe. At the moment, the products that the store retails include home improvement, fashion, beauty products and electronics among other products that are on high demand globally. provides customers with an easy way of shopping; thus, allowing customers to cut on unnecessary costs for purchasing a product in the conventional stores. The store has different payment options that provide convenience to customers across the world. This includes the use of credit cards, wire transfers, PayPal or debit cards to make payment (Panda & Narayan 2013, p.52). As a strategy the availability of a wide range of payment options is meant to allow customers to select the method that they prefer. Further, the online store relies on a technology offers maximum security for customer information related to payment
Businses Finance Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Businses Finance - Speech or Presentation Example As we know that, risk-free rate implies that a rate of return than we can obtain without taking any risk but in reality there is no such investment that is absolutely risk free. Even the safest investments carry some amount of risk. Since, treasury bills are the most reliable and safest investments therefore in the practical world the interest rate on US Treasury bills are often used as risk-free rate (krf). Similarly, common proxies for computing market risk (km) are S&P 500 and the New York Stock Exchange Index (Besley and Brigham 2000). Finally, betas are estimated with the help linear regression models on the basis of returns for the index (S&P 500) in the corporate domain. Although the CAPM has gained real appreciation all over the world but since it is built on certain assumptions therefore those assumptions might not hold true all the times which reduce the reliability of CAPM. For instance, it assumes that returns are normally distributed but we know that there can be prodigious leaps in the market even as big as 5 to 7 standard deviations away from the mean. Similarly it also assumes that there is no inflation but we are quite aware of the fact about the real world as we don’t know how much the prices rise after a day. Hence, these flaws make the CAPM model inconsistent with the real
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Culmination of Transformations Molded Europe Essay Example for Free
The Culmination of Transformations Molded Europe Essay Europe underwent some major transformation from 1100-1300. The High Middle Ages, as this period was known, economic, political, religious and cultural revivals began to shape Europe. These changes were made possible for several reasons. One of those reasons was that Europe had become more settled after numerous invasions that occurred in the Early Middle Ages. The medieval kings began to apply centralized control. Advancement in agricultural practices also contributed to the European reform, as increased food supply stimulated commercial and urban growth. Also, due to pressures from the church, internal warfare and chronic violence in Europe was declining. One of the most exciting areas of revival was in economic conditions. The increase in food supply and agricultural production meant that trade increased. Commerce and interaction, which declined or completely halted during the dangerous disruptive years of the Central Middle Ages, reemerged. Increased trade led to several related and extremely important developments. One was the reintroduction of movement and interchange in parts of Europe, a dramatic change for people who had been isolated by limited resources and the dangerous conditions that had surrounded them. Now it was safer to travel, and there was the strong motive of trading surplus goods. Another change was the reemergence of currency throughout Europe. This was an extremely important change in the long run. Currency meant that land was no longer the only source of wealth. This eroded the monopoly of power held by feudal lords and vassals. Currency meant the beginning of a more complex economy and social system, providing more opportunities for people. Political revival was the most threatening to feudal lords and vassals. This was the process by which kings started to successfully build states in some parts of Europe. Although this took a long period of time, in some cases centuries, the process of state building began in the 1100s and 1200s in regions such as England and France and parts of Central Europe. The rise of kings meant less power for feudal lords as these monarchs built up their centralized control in the areas of military, taxation and legal enforcement. Although most modern states did not truly emerge until the 14th and 15th centuries, the threat to feudal lords became clear during the High Middle Ages. In the area of religion, the Catholic Church began to reassert its power in two ways. One was a movement within the Church to confront the problems of moral and financial corruption. An influential internal reform movement began in the 10th century. Over several decades, the efforts to create truly devout religious communities independent of outside political influence, and cleansed of corruption, sparked the imagination and passion of many in the Church. The emphasis on cleaning up corruption spread throughout Europe. The second area of reform took place at the highest level of the Church leadership. During the Central Middle Ages, popes were weak and often corrupt. During this period, the clergy was manipulated by powerful families. During the High Middle Ages, the Church distanced itself from political influence and corrupting influences as it gained greater support and respect from the common people and also greater control of its wealth. The culture of the High Middle Ages displayed a time of artistic vigor. Universities as we know them today, with faculty and students, were produced during this period. Kings and Popes competed to start up new universities. By the end of the Middle Ages, over 80 universities were in existence. Christianity was pivotal in the medieval society, as theology would play a vital role in the academic world. Christianity effected the actions of the kings and princes. Christianity would touch all Europeans lives. A philosophical and theological system was created in the schools and was referred to as scholasticism. This system was created to merge faith and reason and to exhibit that what was accepted on faith was in accord with what was learned as reason. The European civilization was transformed in the Middle Ages into a growing economy, nurtured by explosive trade, centralized government, agricultural progression and a cultural revival.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Modernist Disillusionment in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Unlike the romantic period that preceded it, the modernist literary movement reflected the feelings of a Lost Generation affected by industrialization and war trauma. As such, modernist literature often employs cynical or detached worldviews in angsty tones. The most famous writer of the movement, T.S Eliot, explored modernist themes of disillusionment through poetry. One of his poems,The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, focuses on the theme of indecisiveness as a symptom of modernization in society. T.S Eliots Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is representative of the modernist literary canon through its exploration of the speakers personal feelings of anxiety and stagnation. The repetition of questions and refrains in The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock is used to express the speakers self-doubt and insecurity in a modernized, changing society. The poem primarily focuses on the speakers inability to talk to women, and how this relates to his fragile self-esteem as a whole. Throughout the poem, the speaker repeats,In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo (lines 13-14). This repeated observation of the women coming and going serves as a disruption to the speakers hypothetical dialogue with the woman he loves. He is unable to approach women because they intimidate him, especially in a new society where women are more educated and independent. The speaker also uses repetition by questioning himself ,How should I presume? (line 54). The question follows his memories of past rejections, wavering his resolve to pursue a woman romantically. He is so paralyzed by his insecurity that he cannot even hold a conversation. This repetition is significan t because it shows the speaker questioning his place in society, a common theme in modernist writing. Eliots poem also incorporates multiple allusions to classic literary works, which are indicative of modernist skepticism of tradition. The references come from varied texts, including the Bible, Dante, Chaucer, and Greek philosophers, but Eliot especially focuses on Shakespeare. In one stanza, the speaker laments No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be; Am an attendant lord, one that will do To swell a progress, start a scene or two (lines 111-113). Here, the speaker feels a lack of personal agency, and only sees himself as an extension of others; he will only ever be in a supporting role for those who lead. J. Alfred Prufrock will never lead a progress like Chaucer, or woo a coy mistress like Marvell, just like he will never be the Hamlet or Lazarus he wishes he was. He is too scared to even try. Classical allusions like this are a signature of the modernist writing, where the traditional is used as a framework for contemplating the contemporary. These allusions are meant to show the speakers weakness, of what he can never attain.They are not used for glorifying the past, but for questioning the present. In the poem, the speakers fear of inadequacy with women is connected to his larger fear of aging and mortality, and shows his existential crisis. When trying to gather the courage to pursue his romantic interest, the speaker resigns I am no prophet and heres no great matter; I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker, And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, And in short, I was afraid (lines 83-86). The speaker sees his social awkwardness as more than just situational; it is the story of his life, the only thing that defines his character. In every small failed interaction, he feels that his life has no importance, and that any instance of success is fleeting. He imagines Death, the eternal Footman, mocking him, just as he imagines women mocking him. Through this imagery, the speaker imagines his failure to win over the woman he loves as the literal death of him. By connecting romantic insecurity with existential insecurity, T.S. Eliot explores both the sma ll- and large-scale implications of modernist thought. Modernist literature differed from previous literary movements in its exploration of the internal mind, rather than the external world. Although deeply affected by external societal issues (industrialization, imperialism, war), modernist style primarily focuses on personal psyche. Modernist literary works often take the form of stream-of-consciousness, or in the case of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, dramatic monologue, rarely with any input of interpersonal dialogue. By turning the narrative inward, modernism sought to expose how the world at large can impact the individual body and mind. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock remains a primary example of modernism because of its ability to make the reader connect so personally with the speakers internal conflicts, and consequently understand the external conflicts of the early 20th century. Works Cited Eliot, T. S. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. N.p.: n.p., 1915. Print.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
joan of arc :: essays research papers
One of the most heroic legends of a woman is Joan of Arc. She was a brave and outstanding woman. She was a leader and had a lot of courage for all that she has battled and conquered.      Joan of arc was born at Domerey in Champagne, around 1412. In French, her name was Jeanne d’Arc. She was born the third of five children to a peasant farmer, Jacques d’Arc and third of five children to a peasant farmer, Jacques d’Arc and mother Isabelle de Vouthon. They were poor, but not needy. Her childhood was spent attending her father’s herds in the fields. She never learned to read or write but was skilled in sewing and spinning. Some thought her to be a unique child.      Up until the age of thirteen, in the summer of 1425, Joan became aware of her â€Å"voices†. Joan believed that these â€Å"voices†were the voices of St. Michael, St. Margaret, St. Catherine and many others. They told her they were sent from god. They also told her to cut her hair, dress in men’s attire and pick up the arms. Her confessor did not believe her, just as many others didn’t. She told her judges â€Å"I saw them with these very eyes, as well as I see you.†The voices also said that it was her divine mission to free her country from the English and help the dauphin gain the French throne.      By 1429 the English and their Burgundian allies occupied Paris and all of France north of Loire. Joan convinced the captain of the dauphin’s forces that these voices were real. She had to pass an examination by the board of theologians. They passed her and gave her troops to command and the rank of captain.      In May of 1429 of the battle of New Orleans, Joan led the troops to a miraculous victory over the English. As she continued to fight in other locations, fear came over the other troops.      On July 17, 1429 in Riems Cathedral, Charles VII was crowned King of France. Joan was given a place of honor next to the King. Later on, she was ennobled for her services.      In 1430 she was captured and sold to the English, while defending Compiegne hear Paris. Then the English handed Joan over to the Ecclesiastical court at Roven led by Pierre Cauchun. They tried her for witchcraft.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Environmental Protection Must Be Our Top Priority :: Environment Earth Nature, pesticides, pollution
A few years ago, Time magazine published a special issue entitled "The Century's Greatest Minds." It was the fourth in a Time series on the 100 most influential people of the century, this particular issue focusing on "Scientists and Thinkers." On the cover, Albert Einstein is pictured on a psychiatrist's couch, hands crossed over his chest, a depressed look cloaking his face. Dr. Sigmund Freud, seated in a chair near the couch, pen and pad in hand, is leaning in toward Einstein, excitedly waiting to perform some bit of psychoanalysis on the saddened scientist. A framed picture of Jonas Salk rests on the side table; a portrait of John Maynard Keynes hangs from a nail in the wall. In the background, resting atop a bookshelf, is a stone bust of Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring. She finds herself in quite excellent company not only on the cover, but in the interior of the magazine as well. Carson was the only environmentalist and the only woman featured in the entire issue. Evidently, her impact in the world of "scientists and thinkers" was a tremendous one, and, as mentioned in Matthiessen's Time article, her book, Silent Spring, is "nearly 40 years later . . . still regarded as the cornerstone of the new environmentalism."1 Matthiessen goes on to write that "one shudders to imagine how much more impoverished our habitat would be had Silent Spring not sounded the alarm."2 This is indeed a worthy claim by Mr. Matthiessen, but he correctly uncovers a bigger and more alarming truth when he says, "the damage being done by poison chemicals today is far worse than it was when she wrote the book."3 In fact, since 1962, pesticide use in the US has doubled.4 As an environmentalist (or a "radical" environmentalist, as I am often labeled by members of the mainstream environmental movement), I feel it is my duty as a protector of the Earth's well-being to write this editorial as a means of bringing into the American consciousness a variety of frightening environmental issues. Though some of you may be aware of these problems, I know many are not, and thus may be shocked to learn about the degradation of our Earth and the people living in it. Indeed, I truly believe that "since the dawn of the industrial age, America has behaved like an alcoholic with a good jobâ€â€prospering despite a lifestyle that jeopardizes the future and ruins much of what is good with irresponsible behavior.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Ada Research Paper
DORRIS 1 Dominique Dorris Meyers BASK Reading October 25, 2012 Americans With Disabilities Act The Americans with Disabilities act is a law that was created by the US congress in 1990 and signed into law by George W. Bush on July 26, 1990. The ADA is civil rights act that prohibits discrimination on people with disabilities. In 1975 the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was passed. Before this act was passed only one out of five children with disabilities attended a public school, according to the U. S. department of Education (L. S).There was a Civil Rights Act of 1964 created that made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, and other characteristics illegal. The original intent of the law was to create a civil rights law for people with disabilities that would be permanent, would not be able to be weakened, and would stop all discrimination. The ADA was suppose to be a flexible set of laws that could only be strengthened and never weakened. Title 1. 1 of the American s with disabilities act is employment, and explains how people shall not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities. Title I prohibits employers with fifteen or more employers from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities in a job application procedures, hiring, DORRIS 2 advancement, compensation, job training, and other conditions and privileges of employment simply because they have disabilities†(K, S). Title 1. 2 of the ADA discusses public entities and public transportation. It prohibits discrimination by all public entities. This includes physical access for Accessible Design. Public entities and transportation have to have accessible utilities for disabled people.Title II applies to public transportation provided by public entities through regulations by the U. S. Department of transportation. Title II also applies to all state and local public housing, housing assistance, and housing referrals. Title 1. 3 of the ADA prohibits dis crimination of disability in the activities of places of public accommodation. This law indicates that all restaurants, movie theatres, buildings, etc. are accessible for people with disabilities. Title III has had more effect on the lives of Americans with Disabilities than any other ADA title.Individuals with and without disabilities should be accessible to do the same things throughout life. Title 1. 4 of the ADA is Telecommunications. â€Å"The law requires that all telephone companies that provide telephone voice transmission services, whether interstate or intrastate, also provide telephone relay services that allow people who are hearing or speech impaired to place and receive calls through devices to or from people who do not use such devices†(American Rehabilitation). This act led to installing public teletypewriter machines and other TDDs. TDD’s are the telecommunication devices for the deaf.For blind people they will change all written texts into voice mess ages and will change all voice recordings into texts for the deaf. DORRIS 3 The last title of the ADA is miscellaneous provisions. Title V includes technical provisions and this law applies to and person that prevents an individual from exercising his or her rights. This is any form of retaliation including threats, intimidation, or interference is not allowed if it is intended to interfere in a negative way. Any person who exercises their rights under the ADA or helps someone else in exercising their rights is protected from retaliation.Since the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 was created, there have been a lot of changes made that have positively affected people with disabilities. â€Å"This long awaited piece of federal legislation was expected to protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination in employment opportunities and ensure and access to various social institutions†(Bowman). The ADA helped people with disabilities get jobs, make social places a nd transportation accessible for them and even created phone operator systems to help translate messages to deaf and blind people.The Americans With Disabilities Act made disabled individuals feel accepted and they were not discriminated anymore in things they wished to do. Contrary to the positive outcomes of the ADA there were also still downfalls for people who had disabilities. â€Å"Pro-business conservative commentators mentioned that the Americans With Disabilities Act was an expensive headache to millions†(Doherty 18). Because of all the changes that had to be made to make things accessible for people with disabilities it ended up being very costly for everyone. Even though the ADA was created some cases of disabilities were not DORRIS 4 covered. Some courts even found that individuals with serious conditions such as diabetes and cancer were not covered by the ADA†(B,L). Unfortunately some bars and clubs were not changed to fit the needs of people with disabili ties. Even though the Americans with Disabilities act had many positive affects, some individuals still unable to do certain things. After researching about the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, I think that it was a great idea to create such an amazing act. I feel as if people with disabilities should be able to do as much as they can in order to live a happy and normal life just like everyone else.Even though there are downfalls of the ADA individuals have a lot more rights then they ever had several years ago before the act was established. If I was disabled I would want to be able to live my life just like every other person, and the ADA helped people feel that they could. The most interesting and best idea that the ADA had was title 1. 4 telecommunications. This was an amazing idea and helped both the deaf and blind. DORRIS 5 Work Cited Page Bowman, L. (2011). Americans with disabilities act as amended: Principles and practice. New Directions For Adult & Continuing Educa tion, (132), 85-95. oi:10. 1002/ace. 434 Doherty, Brian. Reason, Aug-Sep 95, Vol. 27 Issue 4, p. 18 Kopels, S. (1995). THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: A TOOL TO COMBAT POVERTY. Journal Of Social Work Education, 31(3), 337-346. LAFEE, S. (2011). The Americans With Disabilities Act at 20. Education Digest, 76(7), 51-55. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. (cover story). (1990). American Rehabilitation, 16(2), 2. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. (October 2012). Retreived October 23, 2012, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Americans_with_Disabilities_Act_of _1990
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Littlefield Technologies Simulation Game 2 strategy Share Essay
Littlefield Simulation 2 strategy: Littlefield Technologies Simulation Game 2 strategy Share 1 More Next Blog » Create Blog Sign In Littlefield Simulation 2 strategy Sunday, July 17, 2011 Littlefield Technologies Simulation Game 2 strategy Followers Join this site with Google Friend Connect Just went through this last semester. We ended up in first place even though we made a few minor mistakes. First a few links that helped us: There are no members yet. Be the first! Simulation 2 Report Already a member? Sign in Here is what we did: Pre Game Activities: The team met the Tuesday before class to examine the data and discuss strategies. It was apparent that both Stations 1 and 3 were operating at full capacity, frequently hitting 100% utilization. Station 3 seemed more strained since it had higher queues (Mean=506, STD=498) than Station 1(Mean=187, STD=175). Since the average job lead time exceeded 2 days during days 43 through 46, inclusive, we thought it would be unprofitable to attempt to move to the $1,000 contracts. We discussed the options of altering the lot sizes, but decided that the extra setup time would only create more bottlenecks downstream. About Me Blog Archive HB ââ€" ¼ 2011 (1) View my complete profile ââ€" ¼ July (1) Littlefield Technologi es Simulation Game 2 strateg†¦ Stage 1: As a result of our analysis, the team’s initial actions included: 1. Leave the contracts at $750. 2. Change the reorder point to 3000 (possibly risking running out of stock). 3. Change the reorder quantity to 3600 kits. 4. Purchase a second machine for Station 3 as soon as our cash balance reached $137,000 ($100K + 37K). This strategy proved successful and after the second machine for Station 3 was purchased on Day 56 and the queue cleared, we were able to switch to the $1,000 contracts. We occasionally lost a few dollars for being a little late, but we always made more than we would have under the $750 contracts. Stage 2: The next goal was to save enough cash to purchase a machine for Station 1 so that we could switch to the $1,250 contracts. During the cash building stage, we made the inventory order quantity as high as we could afford, which was 6,900 kits at a purchase price of $70,000. When the 6,900 kits were delivered, we switched the order quantity back to 3,600 so that we could purchase a Station 1 machine as soon as our cash balance reached $127,000 ($90K + 37K). After 21 factory days, we were able to purchase the fourth machine for Station 1 and immediately moved to the $1,250 contracts. The average lead time declined to under a half a day during factory days 69 through 76. There was a substantial decline in arriving orders during the same time period. The team noticed the drop in lead time and regrets not having moved to the $1,250 contracts sooner. We lost $22,750 of potential revenue for not moving on the information sooner. On the other hand, orders are random and an early move could have backfired on us. Stage 3: During our preliminary meeting, the team discussed the possibility of purchasing a fifth machine for Station 1. We decided to wait and see if the loss of potential ea rnings was sufficient to justify a $90 K purchase. We knew that if we were going to buy a fifth machine we should do it as soon as possible to maximize the return on investment. We calculated the loss of potential revenue as ($1,250 – actual average revenues * jobs completed). Our initial estimates showed a potential revenue loss of $266 per day, but within a few factory days the rate of potential loss rose to $419 per day. There is another consideration in the decision to purchase a fifth machine for Station 1. The title of the Littlefield Technologies game 2 is Customer Responsiveness. The title implies that we should be concerned about the consistency with which we deliver on our service level agreements (SLAs). The potential loss of $419 per day barely covers the $90,000 machine purchaseà ¾ however we were missing our SLAs 13 out of 15 days and the percent of potential revenues lost due to missing SLAs was 3%. We decided to purchase the fifth machine on Day 94 primarily to improve our customer responsiveness. This strategy did not perform as well as we had hoped. While our potential revenues lost declined to 1%, we were still missing our SLAs six out of seven days. Stage 4. During Stage 4, we explored job splitting as a solution to the SLA problem. First, we split jobs into two batch of 30 kits each. This strategy worked so well that we wondered why we hadn’t explored job splitting during Stage 2 or 3. We met our SLAs 12 out of 16 days and our percent of potential revenues lost declined to 0.4%. We calculated the setup times as a proportion of a
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Do Women Enjoy Equal Right in Nepal Essay
Our country, Nepal is popularly known as a traditional nation. It gives more priority to its customs and traditions rather than other subjects of matter. This country has been ruled and operated by majority of men since the beginning of humanity. Men play the vital role in each sector of development. History of Nepal is the evidence that all the development works are carried out by majority of men and less women. Even though, there is equal importance of male and female in development of nation, females are kept aside in development as well as social matter. In each and every sector, men play a main role and women are in inferior position. The main cause of such vast differences is the lack of education and public awareness. Such differences start from the early period of males and females life. In point of view of Nepalese people, females are regarded as a curse and males as boon. They do not like bearing female baby as they have to get her married and provide dowry. So, they take it as burden. That’s why, when they bear a boy and a girl, they give higher priority and more love to boy and the girl is kept within the four walls of home. Thus, no matter how talented they are, they never get a chance to develop. The condition of women living in our country is really miserable. Women living in our society are still under the shadow of darkness. They are bounded by the traditional concept of conservative society. They are busy mostly in kitchen and household works. Though, women occupy more population in Nepal, they have less participation in the high level jobs and some other important matters related to their life. They can experience very few legal rights and even our society places them in an inferior position. This was often justified as being the result of biological differences between the sexes. Women were thought to be more emotional and less decisive than men. They are not given sufficient opportunities to improve themselves and are discouraged to go ahead. No matter whatever progress they make, they are still suppressed by this traditional society. Moreover, they are somehow experiencing basic rights, but they are deprived of social rights in many ways. Furthermore, they are regarded as the symbol of creating, protecting and nursing. They bear and grow-up children. They have many more responsibilities like biological, social and national. But, still their condition in our nation is backward. They are so because of male domination, traditional, social structures, unequal laws, lack of awareness, poverty and lack of government protection for them. Women in our society have been confined only to household chores, rearing children, preparing food, collecting fodder for cattle and family sanitation. Especially, they do not have freedom for movement and for adopting job. They are deprived of higher studies and property rights. They are not encouraged for social exposure. Furthermore, they had been the victim of domestic violence from their husbands, brothers, mother-in-law and even relatives. Their appeal is not uprightly accepted even by the administrator. Sometimes, they are even beaten, kidnapped and killed. Hence, they are really living a sorrowful life. CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics) and the report of UNDP shows that women’s participation in developmental works of Nepal is of low grade. Their rate of involvement in different sectors like education, civil service, participation in teaching and legal practice is very low. Though many NGOs (National Government Organization), INGOs (International Government Organization) and governmental organizations are working for the rights of women, their condition has not been improved significantly. Therefore, in first place, the women themselves must raise voice for their rights. Government, stakeholders, NGOs and INGOs has to take certain measures to uplift the condition of women in every nook and cranny of Nepal. Awareness programs must be conducted in their favor. Rallies with slogans like â€Å"GENDER EQUALITY†, â€Å"EDUCATION FOR ALL†, and etcetera must be spread all over our country. Thus, women must be provided with rights equal to that of men. Reference; The present status of Nepali women – Ashmita Bhattarai
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Universal Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Universal Health Care - Essay Example The current system of healthcare basically seeks community and society influences to make healthcare better for the average consumer, but some critics who advocate universal healthcare say that the system of managed care is run not by concern for the customer, but by the bottom line of profits. It is therefore not a community healthcare organization necessarily, but a consumer one. â€Å"Patients expect the managed care provider to help them manage their relationship with their health plan. Providers should supply patients with information about health plan changes by their employer and assistance in discussing their health plan preferences with their employer. The provider can encourage patients to take responsibility for their relationship with the health plan, but also should have processes in place to assist the patient in working with the health plan to address issues such as care denials or other service issues†(Tomczyk, 2002). This addresses customer service principles rather than general wellness. consumer care, such as currently existing programs like Medicaid and Medicare that provide programs that increase accessibility for the poor and elderly. Other countries such as Canada have made medical care universally accessible to everybody in the country. Accessibility, as well as education, is an important goal. If a person is poor or elderly, they are going to be less likely in the US to get quality healthcare and have insurance, and in many cases, it is a problem of access as well as opportunity. For poor minority immigrant families for example, â€Å"reducing Medicaid eligibility for these children will not necessarily save money as long as children remain eligible for costly emergency care†(RAND, 2002). Many immigrant families find it hard to navigate the existing pattern of federalized programs on a state and local level in terms of eligibility and access. educational programs
Monday, October 7, 2019
Visuals and page design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Visuals and page design - Essay Example e of the measures that can be put in place include revoking or suspending drivers’ licenses for persons found of such offenses, confiscating number plates of such drivers, and increasing penalties for the crimes. On the other hand, the pedestrians must not use phone while crossing roads. Moreover, drivers must evade the use of phones at all times especially while driving or alighting from their vehicle since the same my interfere with their personal judgment while driving and distract them thereby placing other road users including themselves in gravies dangers. Road users must protect each other at all costs by ensuring they do not create, increase, and do any risky behavior while using the roads. Notably, the government and society have for many years cooperated in improving safety on our roads; therefore, for those who are unable to use the road safely must consider hiring or requesting for designated drivers. Statistics has it that most fatal accidents are caused by persons driving under the influence of alcohol among other drugs or persons with high content of alcohol in their blood (BAC). It is vital that all road users to have their 100 percent concentration on the road; hence, the use of phones while using the roads must be evaded at all costs. Opposed to the road accidents caused by mobile phone users, drunk drivers are known to cause most of the accidents. However, with strict traffic laws and sensitization, accidents caused through drunk driving have reduced drastically since 1982 from a height of 60 percent of total road accidents to 39 percent in 2005. Shockingly, the trend changed in 2005 in an increasing trend to 42 percent in 2010. This has been attributed for by the increased use of phone especially accounted for by the social media that seems to be taking the world crazy (Martinez 142). Changes in the percentage shows how better the society and the authorities have worked towards improving road fatalities; however, reinforcement of all other
Sunday, October 6, 2019
IT Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
IT Security - Essay Example For any information system to be operational, government mandated compliances need to be undertaken by the chief information officer (CIO) and government officers. For a system to pass these security compliances it must meet the criteria set for; the system boundaries for the hardware, software, users and interactions with the environment must be clearly defined so as to assess any threats. Therefore, a CIO must provide a plan of action for the system and also state any contingency measures needed in the case of a security threat. Moreover, the chief information officer then gets certification and accreditation from the government once this is achieved (Enloe, 2002). Information systems are required to be secure in order to facilitate business success and their resilience in the changing information society. This means that a CIO ought to ensure that the system is secure enough to deliver vital information and services at the right time with no compromise. This is because secure syst ems increase public confidence and trust in the organization and in their products or services. Information security also ensures that performance of all the stakeholders in the organizations from management to junior staff is effective (Bowen, Chew and Hash, 2007). In addition, security also reduces the chances of risk to the organization and protects the integrity of the information or data stored in the organization. In the design of an information system, the CIO needs to be aware of information security elements, which must be in line with government mandated compliance. Moreover, considering that security planning of a system it is very important for a CIO to know who accesses the system at any time, and thus, the role of an information system officer in the system needs to be understood and clearly defined (Enloe, 2002). The authorizing officers in the organization and other users including the management need to be issued with access codes for authorization. Through this he will track and know who accessed the system at what time and which information was accessed or modified with use of these codes. The CIO should provide the management with the capital estimates required in running and maintaining the whole system and the time required to change or upgrade the system. In addition, he must conduct awareness and training campaigns on the whole organizations. This is to educate the users of a system on the different types of security threats present and how to evade them. Thus, a CIO is required to conduct risk assessment for the organization management, and explain to the personnel and management how the system will meet the organization’s mission and goals (Enloe, 2002). To this effect, the CIO must design a system that provides as stated in NIST: â€Å"Information security protection from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, disruption and modification of information.†The system must also comply with the standards set up for policie s, procedures and guidelines by national law and legislations. The CIO is also responsible for developing and maintaining agency wide information security programs, policies and control techniques for the organizations systems. Moreover, he is required to develop disaster recovery management program, to
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Seventeeth-Century Roles for Puritan Men,Women, and Children (by James Essay
Seventeeth-Century Roles for Puritan Men,Women, and Children (by James Kirby Martin et al - Essay Example of women has changed since puritan times in the area of education as women have come out of being just housewives and have followed men in the search for knowledge. Many women have proven themselves equal to if not better than men in many fields, which were thought only to be possible by men. Today, there are many women doctors, professors and even astronauts, among the many fields into which women have ventured. Though they may be weaker physically, they have proven that it is not the case mentally. They have won awards all over the world in various fields and become pillars of society in this regard. Many have even proven capable of handling domestic and educational roles most effectively. There also have changes in the highly competitive area of politics where a number of women have risen to be leaders of their nations. Leaders like Golda Meir, India Gandhi and Corazon Aquino have risen to the presidential positions in Israel, India and The Philippines respectively, where they have conquered male contender, and this shows some of the dramatic changes that have occurred to women’s roles since puritan times (Martin,
Friday, October 4, 2019
GERMAN FILM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
GERMAN FILM - Essay Example These cinematic tones have the ability and potentiality to bolster the negative perceptions or ideologies concerning the ‘others’ of societies. From this perspective, such films have the tendency of confirming, as well as creating ethnic and gender stereotypes. In this essay, the focus is on evaluation of two popular and recent films, which can influence the stereotypes of the Turkish Germans: Gegen die Wand (drama) and Kebab Connections (comedy). These films have been essential in reinforcing and deconstructing the stereotypes existing in Germany of the Turkish Germans. Stereotype refers to the oversimplified, as well as a standardized image under the influence of the special meaning by group members within the commonplace (Ames, 2012). There are various elements of stereotypes with reference to race, gender, ethnicity, and social clique. Like Germans (and each culture, race, and ethnic group), Turkish Germans have the tendency of facing critical judgement in accordance with the existing stereotypes. Nevertheless, as a minority within the context of Germany, Turkish Germans tend to have specific stereotypes, which play critical roles in ostracising them from the majority of Germany. The two films have critical implications in the course of understanding various aspects of stereotypes relating to the Turkish people. In the first instance, the films are essential to the illustration of the existing stereotype relating to patriarchal community and perception among the Turkish Germans. The stereotype attached to the Turkish Germans’ patriarchal structure relates to harsh fathers, who in most cases come out as physically abusive with the intention of expressing their prowess or dominance in comparison to their female counterparts with the society. According to various feminist practitioners and scholars, the social structure relates
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Indian Independence Movement and Modern India Essay Example for Free
Indian Independence Movement and Modern India Essay I am Chandini C Kurup of class IX B standing here to speak to you on this auspicious occasion of Republic Day As we are celebrating the 64th Republic Day of India, we students have some responsibilities to shoulder, and some duties to plunge ourselves. The contribution of students in the struggle for Indian independence and thereafter in the making of modern India can never be negated. From the prehistoric times to the recent years, students in India have played a significant role in shaping the history, culture and demographics of our beloved motherland. Students are not moved by greed, nor touched by the fanaticism and bigotry between brothers and sisters, in religion or otherwise, nor engulfed by the violence that seems to be a standing libel on the world all around. We students are the most pure, the most energetic. And it is the time for us once more to take the oaths and help the nation march forward. Let us take an oath to explore our country in its history, geography, culture and literature as much as we can. It is a pity that we can name several novelists, artists and musicians of England, France, Germany, Russia and many more foreign countries without much thoughts, but need to reach our notebooks and laptops to name even a few of them from our neighboring states. Let us take an oath to understand the immense power of the Indian culture and tradition that have always been the unity in our rich diversity. India was never a nation before the British rule. Our country was forever decided in numerous political pockets, in fact the very concept of a nation is purely Western, yet the concept of a country united through her culture was always there. Only that culture has been the lifeline of India, despite the number of invasions and aggressions on our motherland. If we forget that culture altogether and rush with closed eyes to imitate the West, the end is near. Let us take an oath to do our duties for the country and the environment. If we do all our rough works in the electronic media, we would save lot of papers and trees to make a difference. We can choose not to accept plastic carry bags and request our friends and relatives to follow us. Once in a week, we can offer free tuition to our needy brothers and sisters. Lots of medicines, old books, and old clothes go waste every year; we can donate them to these organizations as well. Our years old shirts that we hate to put on now will bring smiles to many of our friends in need. Morality is the basis and we must not forget that too. We don’t need to be religious and in fact the maker of modern India, Swami Vivekananda, used to hate the manifold rites and customs that make the gap between religions and the common man. But we need to have faith – faith on God, on the essential goodness of man, on the strength and future of our country, and last but not the least, in ourselves. Our nation is made of none but us, and if we can enlighten ourselves we can enlighten the whole nation. We are the future of India, and the way we make ourselves ready for it will decide the fate of the country in the years to come. All good deeds and attempts are mocked by a class of people we must not be afraid nor ashamed of them. All good deeds are achieved through hardships, and we must toil. But all good deeds bring forth a joy to the core of our heart that none can snatch away, and to our last days of lives, that pleasure is going to be our precious possession for sure. Let us respect our country, our nation, our brave soldiers, our Constitution, our national anthem, and our national flag. As we will follow our ways back to home after this ceremony, we might see paper made tricolor flags torn down from ropes and poles and lying on the street dust like garbage; let us spend a few minutes on our way, today at least, to stop and pick them for a better and respectful disposal. The road ahead is a long one, where we have miles to go. With determination and unity we can move forward. On this special occasion, I urge all of you to show the unity and strength and develop the nation where citizens live with peace and mutual understanding.
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