Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Initial Public Offerings Essay Example for Free
Introductory Public Offerings Essay Essential privately owned businesses, who wants to open up to the world or as such chooses to be recorded in the distinctive financial exchanges to raise capital, should initially experience a procedure called Initial Public Offering or IPO (Investopedia, 2008). This strategy has been generally famous and it goes to state it has its own portions of debates too. Particularly based on what was experienced during the 1990s on the dotcom crash, in which a ton of financial specialists purchased Initial stocks from organizations even without a reputation of activities and an achievable arrangement revenue driven (same as Investopedia, 2008). Presently another Online firm intends to open up to the world, it is the famous program Skype whose fundamental highlights are online video and sound call conferencing. This could be a smart thought, from a business outlook since Skype has been procuring incomes for its parent organization Ebay even before the last has chosen to regard it as an independent organization because of its constrained cooperative energies with Ebay’s center exercises which fundamentally are Online trade sell off website and Paypal Online installments framework  (Stone, 2009).But if Skype will truly open up to the world, it could most presumably utilized the equivalent online technique applied by previous online firms: Google and Morning star which is the online sale approach. This exposition will endeavor to legitimize the thought of Skype to open up to the world. It will likewise dissect what specific sort of Initial Public Offering (IPO) it might apply. We will likewise go in detail to survey what kind of speculators that Skype would most potentially pull in. This examination will likewise give foundation on the exercises gained from past online ventures who opened up to the world and utilized the closeout approach as its technique for IPO.As part of the sorts of strategies for IPO offering, we will at last talk about possible expenses and dangers of each to have a superior comprehend which strategy would be fitting for a particular firm like Skpe. Skype opening up to the world Ebay’s President and CEO could be directly by the choice of rewarding Skype as an auxiliary organization because of its capacity and future income potential whenever gave the perfect measure of funding to work with. Skype verifiably, has been a predictable top entertainer as far as income age since its initial origin. From 2007, Skype posted a huge increment of 44% to a tune ofâ $551 million, and fragment advertise edges is at 21% which is additionally another huge jump of 47% from 2007, and the projection of an absolute income for 2011 for $1 Billion dollars isn't far fetch(ebay Inc., 2009), since the development pace of Skype on its recentâ quarterly execution have been definitely not moderate. Simply last October 2009 information Skype again has expanded by another 41% altogether enlisted clients, which is in the $521 Million imprint and developing, Its posted development of 29% in incomes adding up to another $181 million dollars additionally affirms its status as a power to be deal with on the Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoiP) industry (Schonfeld, 2009). Direct contenders of Skype are Vonage and Net2phone albeit stable doesn't have the development potential and monstrous client base that Skype appreciates. Skype has quite recently additionally been sold as of late by ebay to some private speculators, and gathering drove by Silver Lake accomplices, ebay sold 70% of its stake on Skype (Wauters, 2009).Which shows proceeded with enthusiasm of the potential benefit age of this product. Skype is likewise considered as number ten on the Top ten potential IPO applicants by TechCrunch.com, given the quick pace of Skype development (Schonfeld, 2009). Customary or Online Auction Method for Skype’s IPO? Skype may pick to apply the closeout technique, to have a great deal of expected financial specialists as opposed to restricting the chance to purchase offers to a couple of huge contributing organizations, which conceivably may not want another online firm. Google utilized a similar technique, which is known as the Dutch closeout strategy in serving its IPO to general society, with a great deal of possible dangers in this sort of technique Google despite everything figured out how to pull it off effectively (Edmonston, 2009). What sort of Investors would go for Skype Little and youthful financial specialists may go for this firm in the event that it opened up to the world, this gathering as a rule knows the limitless capability of the web, and has some fundamental information on the sorts of incomes tech stocks can deliver. The rising pattern of youthful web superstars, who have made fortunes utilizing the net, should be similar qualities of financial specialists for Skype. Ordinary Investors, despite everything requires an in a general sense sound measurements from an organization that has a better than expected track records and has created for the most part substantial merchandise which some have been a staple of a general public. Exercises Learned from Online Auction Approach Bothe Morningstar.com and Google utilized a similar strategy for its Initial Public Offering, to remove the controlling force from the guarantors and to give chances to contribute to the individuals who truly accept and recognize a company’s potential.  Both have been generally smooth and fruitful. For Morningstar on its IPO last 2005 in any event, when value examiners anticipated that cost of stock might be on the measure of most minimal range anticipated of $16 to $19, the interest was extremely solid as it wound up on the checked cost of $18.50 for the shared store and stock analysts’ online firm (Munarriz, 2005). Google anyway likely was overpowered by weights of debates instigated by showcase investigators, money related researchers, other online competitionâ and even the Securities and Exchange Commission, has chosen for a very late decrease of its objective offer value (Sorkin, 2009). Online organizations frequently face reactions, for example, being exaggerated or overhyped. Particularly after the dotcom occasion, uncertainty of financial specialists on whether they could truly get through certain incomes and augment shareholders’ value is common. Both Morningstar and Google have encountered those predispositions yet accepted it and have been generally steady in the commercial center, in spite of logical inconsistencies. Cost and Risks of every IPOs As per an acclaimed article by the Wall Street Journal in regards to techniques for IPOs, â€Å"Wall Street investors contrast closeout IPOs and selling compelling artwork on eBay rather than at Sothebys. The huge Wall Street firms have valid justification to guard the customary model. Known as book building, it involves checking the enthusiasm of speculative stock investments and common assets in an offering†(2005, p.2). This regular model with its present charges of 7% of capital permits Wall Street organizations to sell its IPO stock at limited costs to their best clients, which could profit them by taking benefits if the IPO expanded even on its first day of exchanging (Wall Street Journal, 2005 p.2). Financiers for this conventional methodology get a level of the IPO deal as commission, notwithstanding different expenses or endorsing continues charged to guarantee the IPO. Such instances of those expenses as per Kamlet Rini (1995)are: †¢ Managers Fee Goes to the overseeing financier for arranging and dealing with the contribution. Amount:10% 20% of the spread (which means the spread between the Public contribution cost or POP and the endorsing continues). †¢ Underwriting Fee Goes to the overseeing financier and coop individuals for expecting the danger of purchasing the protections from the giving enterprise. Sum: 20% 30% of the spread †¢ Selling Concession Goes to the overseeing financier, the organization individuals, and to selling bunch individuals for setting the protections with speculators. Sum: half 60% of the spread These expenses, nearly chose financial specialists and a capability of losing progressively capital by an expansion in esteem on share cost, particularly when first day exchanging cost of IPO ascend for the organization, has been the by one way or another the dangers an organization opening up to the world experiences while applying this strategy. Concerning the Auction Method, where the firm sets a cost of the offer well above what any financial specialist is relied upon to offer, and afterward lessens the cost gradually when a speculator really offers, has a moderately lower measure of charges. Dangers required by certain experts is that IPOs create valuing designs like those displayed by IPOs during the dot.com time, and whether it would truly give increasingly proficient evaluating (Hensel, 2005). Danger of this mispricing can happen to absence of data with respect to the little financial specialist, particularly if the data gave could be verifiable by one way or another to the little speculator. End This examination has talked about the solid chance of Skype, joining the positions of two well known Web organizations, for example, Google and Morningstar, on opening up to the world. Skype have a quick pace for development dependent on its quarterly incomes and developing enrolled clients. The best strategy for Skype to serve its Initial Public Offering is through an Online Auction, which again worked easily for both of the organizations expressed before. Every IPO type has its own expenses and dangers. For conventional IPOs, depending on their strong establishment of book building, it has its disadvantages of high expenses and benefits for organizations who opened up to the world particularly if the offer costs excel on the principal exchanging day. For Online sale, despite the fact that has generally low expenses contrasted with the conventional technique, has likewise the danger of running into comparative valuing designs which has joins with the dotcom madness that happened in the no so distant past. Be that as it may, for suggestion for Skype, the bartering approach despite everything works best, first to limit cost on charges and a huge chance of bringing genuine market esteem stock cost gave by likely solid interest due to Skype’s effectively huge business esteem.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Society and Femininity Essay -- American Literature Essays
Society and Femininity: Triumph of the Human Spirit Not very many books in American Literature can acquire the title of ageless. These books rise above the ages, since they have a more noteworthy importance. Their accounts show individuals life, the greatness of the human spirit, and everything it can suffer to survive. Three books specifically get to the very heart of female battle. In spite of the fact that they contact not on women’s battle to cast a ballot, they arrive at the higher plain of women’s battle to be viewed as what their identity is and not what society needs them to be. To Kill a Mockingbird, The Color Purple and The Bluest Eye all arrangement with the subject of ladies attempting to defeat society. In spite of the fact that these books were written in the mid to later 50% of the twentieth century, they return to when the Great Depression was contacting all strolls of human life. Every one of the principle characters in these books doesn't fit society’s perspective on gentility during the timefram e. In spite of the fact that the primary characters in the three stories don't fit society’s thought of gentility, they each, in their own specific manner, defeat this and show a more prominent stunner of solidarity. Every one of the three fundamental characters in every one of these accounts neglect to satisfy society’s thought of excellence and womanliness. The lead character of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout, is a multi year old spitfire, during when young ladies aren’t expected to be boyish girls. She gets a lot of analysis by her auntie and numerous others for not being the perfect youthful young lady. Harper Lee, the creator, communicates through the view purpose of Scout, â€Å"Aunt Alexandra was over the top regarding the matter of my clothing. I couldn't in any way, shape or form plan to be a woman in the event that I wore breeches, at that point I said I could do nothing in a dress, she said I wasn’t expected to do things that requi... ... isn't happy to surrender the battle by her astonishing want to need that youngster to live. Despite the fact that the book doesn't show Claudia in adulthood, one can imagine her as the encapsulation of a resilient lady. These three primary characters oppose society in light of their quality. These books become immortal in light of the female characters. Every tale resists the desires for society in its own particular manner. They epitomize ladies who ascend over the normal to get more noteworthy than what a great many people are. The books show the female soul in the entirety of its wonder; they depict its qualities and capacity to beat impediments. Works Cited Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. 1960. 40th Anniversary Ed. New York: HarperCollins Pub, 1999. Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970. Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanocich, 1982.
Monday, August 10, 2020
World Bank Junior Professional Associates Program COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
World Bank Junior Professional Associates Program COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog One common question our office receives from young people interested in our degrees is, What can I do to help prepare myself for admission? There is of course not a single answer to this question. When it comes to work experience, successful applicants to our programs come from all walks of life. You could literally name almost any sector and I think we could find someone in our applicant pool with experience in the stated field. Communications, education, finance, government, entertainment, engineering, medicine, dance, security, and this list could go on and on. There are many unique programs as well that are avenues into the policy arena. One specific example is the World Bank Junior Professional Associates Program (JPA). The following comes from the JPA Web site: Are you a recent graduate? Do you have passion for and commitment to helping others? Are you looking for a solid, two-year entry-level work experience in a multicultural environment? If so, you may be interested in the World Bank Groups employment category: the Junior Professional Associates or JPA. In your JPA assignment, youll use your strong quantitative and qualitative analytical skills, your knowledge of technology and the web, and your research abilities working with more senior colleagues and project teams in their operational work. Youll have an opportunity to hone your skills and acquire new ones while gaining first-hand exposure to the challenges of development and poverty alleviation. Your experience as a JPA can then be used as a stepping stone to a career in government, consulting, the private sector, or academia. To find out more visit the JPA Web site.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Short Story - 1475 Words
The now silent, smoking flats reeked of death. At the top of the plateau, Indrid Cole’s recent home was being invaded. Once again, there would be no more Capital of Men and, most likely, no more King. â€Å"General!†Melborne shouted from the tree line. Indrid was glad to hear his voice. The medical officer had survived. He laughed at the fact that a man with no combat training had survived the bloodbath. Indrid lay there out of breath, bleeding from his head, ears, and lips. â€Å"What do we do now?†Melborne asked. Indrid looked at the men standing around him who were waiting for his response. They were all tired, bloody, dirty, and clearly beaten; some much worse than others. There was only him and almost two dozen soldiers†¦show more content†¦He felt embarrassed, but he had to ask, â€Å"Which way?†â€Å"Of course, my Lord. It’s that way!†the man pointed. Indrid could see the Graleon Mountain from the shore. The kingdom sat wi thin a valley that led to the castle tucked away in the crevice where two mountains met. â€Å"I remember,†he said. â€Å"Do you need horses, my Lord?†the man asked. â€Å"No. We will be traveling by foot from here. Thank you,†said Indrid. He agreed to lead his men through lands he’d never traveled. When he’d lived at Grale as a child, he was only exposed to the city within the mountainâ€â€the castle. After surviving his encounter with deadly magic, he felt brave enough to lead. Indrid and his men scurried through the outskirts of the Graleon Kingdom, undulating fields of high grass where nobody would notice them maneuver about. After making their way through the brush, the towering doors of the mountain were before them. An old man with one eye approached, â€Å"My Lord,†he said, bowing. This man also recognized him. But he scowled at the rest of the soldiers. Indrid stared at the giant stone doors that suddenly began to roll open. They had to be at least fifty feet tall, fifteen feet wide, and ten feet thick. Things had changed since he’d left years ago. He didn’t remember ever entering the castle this way. Everything had been rebuilt after the fires more than ten years ago whenShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words  | 5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words  | 8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A short story like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.†In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words  | 3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words  | 5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? In the short stories â€Å"Miss Brill†and â€Å"Frau Brechenmacher attends a wedding†written by Katherine Mansfield, the themes which are relevant to real life in Miss Brill are isolation and appearance versus reality. Likewise Frau Brechenmacher suffers through isolation throughout the story and also male dominance is one of the major themes that are highlighted in the story. These themes areRead MoreShort Story and People1473 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Title: Story Of An Hour Author: Kate Chopin I. On The Elements / Literary Concepts The short story Story Of An Hour is all about the series of emotions that the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard showed to the readers. With the kind of plot of this short story, it actually refers to the moments that Mrs. Mallard knew that all this time, her husband was alive. For the symbol, I like the title of this short story because it actually symbolizes the time where Mrs. Mallard died with joy. And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreRacism in the Short Stor ies1837 Words  | 7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words  | 7 PagesThe short stories â€Å"The Idol†by Adolfo Bioy Casares and â€Å"Axolotl†by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intruding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In â€Å"Axolotl†, the narr ator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. InRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 Words  | 6 Pages The End. In the short story, â€Å"Emma Barrett,†the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of events
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Fair Sentencing Act For Mandatory Minimum Sentences
#1 Three salient points from the films/lectures were assessments of change from the five stages of change model (Norcross, j. c., n.d.), the Fair Sentencing Act for mandatory minimum sentences (American Civil Liberties Union, 2010), and eliminating government involvement in regulation of drugs and alcohol substance, while allowing the various states to manage control (ABC News.com, 2007). The first salient point was based on Norcross (n.d.) explaining that finding out and recognizing where the consumer thinks he/she is within the process of change. Asking questions of intention, where do they see themselves, and drawing a working model to show them their actuate stage of change (Norcross, j. c., n.d.). The second salient point was based on the Fair Sentencing Act for mandatory minimum sentences. Over two decades ago people were given longer jail/prison sentences because the belief was that crack cocaine was more harmful to people and community than powder cocaine. These â€Å"disparity fell disproportionately†on minorities, especially black people. Furthermore, with the aid of â€Å"both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama urging reform,†finally a new law that reduces mandatory minimums is active (American Civil Liberties Union, 2010, para 4). The third salient point is based on eliminating government involvement in substance issues at the state level. Ron Paul expressed that he would â€Å"Allow states to deal with such problems.†If states were to manage control over drugs andShow MoreRelatedThe Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws1613 Words  | 7 PagesCurrent mandatory minimum sentencing laws are in dire need of reform. A mandatory minimum sentence is a court decision where judicial discretion is limited by law. As a result, there are irrevocable prison terms of a specific length for people convicted of particular federal and state crimes. As of January 2014, more than 50 percent of inmates in federal prisons are serving time for drug offenses, and more than 60 percent of people incarcerated are racial and ethnic minorities. The use of safetyRead MoreMandatory Minimum Sentences For Nonviolent Drug Related Offences1031 Words  | 5 PagesMandatory minimum sentences are the backbone of a racially unjust, overpopulated, and overpriced criminal justice system. The Smarter Sentencing Act is a bill that aims to r educe the mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug related offences. â€Å"The United States has five percent of the world’s population, and twenty five percent of the world’s prisoners. Our prison population has grown eight hundred percent in the last thirty years, mostly because of changes in state and federal sentencingRead MoreMandatory Minimums712 Words  | 3 Pages Summary: This bill would remove mandatory minimums enacted under the Controlled Substances Act and the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act invoked by convictions of importing, exporting, manufacturing, distributing, or possessing â€Å"with an intent to distribute†a legally-controlled substance. It repeals several mandatory minimums associated with possession, selling controlled substances in a school zone, employing youth under age 18 to distribute drugs, and the adult sale of controlled substancesRead MoreThe Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws1347 Words  | 6 PagesThe establishment of mandatory minimum sentencing laws has been a policy blunder since their proliferation in the 1980s. Mandatory minimum laws are negatively affecting the U.S, economically and socially. These laws effectively strip judges of their ability to adjudicate a fair punishment by setting a minimum sentence and handing their discretion over to prosecutors. A number of individuals and their f amilies have been negatively affected by mandatory minimum penalties, however, there are othersRead MoreClassical Perspective And Mandatory Sentencing Act837 Words  | 4 PagesClassical Perspective and Mandatory Sentencing Act The classical perspective founded by Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham; stated that at people choose to commit crime after they considered the pros and cons that could be associated with a crime, and believed that the pros outweighed the cons (Tonry,2014). The theory relied on deterring criminal acts by assuring that the consequences of crime are absolute, harsh, and quickly administered (Tonry,2014). Mandatory Sentencing Act Today, more than 2 millionRead MoreThe Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws1528 Words  | 7 Pagescould vary. To have unvaried penalties, mandatory minimum sentencing laws were enacted. These laws help keep citizens protected, while criminals are incarcerated. John Oliver, the host of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, talks about how mandatory minimum sentencing increases the number of criminals incarcerated, and he believes the length of their prison time is longer than it should be. He shows videos of criminals who were convicted under the mandatory minimum law with drug crimes. These videos explainRead MoreWelfare Against Mandatory Minimum Law1143 Words  | 5 Pages Families Against Mandatory Minimum also known as FAMM advocate for smart sentencing such as individualized and fair criminal sentencing that protect the public. FAMM is nonprofit supported by attorneys, judges, criminal justice experts and concerned citizens. Their objectives include: uncrowding jails, which use citizens tax money, shift resources from uncrowded jails due to excessive incarceration to other departments such as law enforcement and additional programs whose aims include reducing crimeRead MoreMandatory Minimum Sentences And Sentencing Guidelines899 Words  | 4 Pagesfines, jail time and the overall outcome of a case. This paper will discuss mandatory minimum sentences and sentencing guidelines. Sentencing guidelines are just that, guidelines to follow we a sentencing of an individual is taking place. â€Å"At the national level this effort led to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, which established a set of guidelines to structure the sentencing process: The guidelines contain a Sentencing Table with 43 offense levels on the vertical axis and six categories of criminalRead MoreThe Effects Of Mandatory Sentencing On The United States Essay1273 Words  | 6 Pagesuse of imprisonment for social control. These policy changes were enacted in order to achieve greater consistency, certainty, and severity and include sentencing laws such as determinate sentencing, truth-in-sentencing, mandatory minimum sentencing, and three strikes laws (National Research Council 2014). Furthermore, I argue that mandatory sentencing has had the most significant effect on the incarceration rate. The political turmoil and changing social climate of the 1960s contributed to the policiesRead MoreRape And Burglary As A Post Incarceration Supervision1730 Words  | 7 Pagesof imposing a life sentence without parole (Sutton, 2013). Mandatory minimums take away the discretion of the judge in sentencing. These officials are bound by statute to place offenders behind bars. Because these statutes are put into place, the judge is not allowed to hand down alternative punishments, nor do they give them the opportunity to prescribe treatment or a change to rehabilitate. Such laws also hold racial discriminatory factors (USSC, 2011). Determinate sentences are those in which
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Life events Free Essays
What are the 3 moments in my life that made me into the person I am today. Well when I was first asked that question by my teacher I kinda laughed to myself. This is going to be easy Just take three things that have happened to me that kinda of go with each other throw in some deep heart moving things that teachers eat up and call it done. We will write a custom essay sample on Life events or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I started I chose my adoption ,my brothers adoption and my puppy adoption all events that follow a close thread easy to write about and all happy tear Jerker events. As I started writing them up I immediately felt that these werent the events I should be writing about. The adoption of my brother wasnt really all that important to me. What some government papers say and a Judge decides means little to me. My brother is my brother thats it , the kid fought for my love thats the story I want to tell how a little boy taught me to love and care for somebody else. A love I sealed off by naming him. Then my adoption it sounds contradictory to my previous statement but this event is not really so much about me being accepted into my family by some old dood with hammer but about the happiness one feels when a fight has been won the happiness and Joy a young child an see on his parents face. astly the adoption of my puppy Just really wasn’t all that life changing. Sure she is cute and amazing and I could probably type it up to make it a cute boy-meets-dog story that makes the reader feel all warm and fuzzy. Once again, that’s not an event that changed me. Instead I want to tell you about a small talk that changed my view on life. let me tell yo u about the first event. My brothers name is Joshua kevin Shupe- Shellooe but when he first came to us he was simply Mario a name I personally hated. When my brother and I met I didn’t like him. With his constant whining and rying but what really got me was he would never talk. He would do everything but talk to get what he needed. He would follow me around non stop and copy all my actions. I hated him. I was mean to him and tried everything I could do to to get him to leave me alone and leave the family. There was one point when my parents considered not going through with the adoption. Josh was a never-ending ball of love to me and I didn’t get it. I was doing everything I could think of to make him hate me. It seemed as if the more I tried to hate him, the more I fell into his neverending spell f love. After awhile I couldn’t help but to start to love him. The little kid with the toothless smile and the eyes that held the vast wisdom that only can be found in the eyes of a young child. He was teaching me love and compassion and he had no clue. He name was still Mario but he was Mario my friend. As time went by he started to open up. He started to talk a little and always asked for me, his big brother, to tuck him in. Always full of questions that a six year old, know it all either answered correctly or made up something that sounded right. He always cared for everybody. He was the kid who was always willing to give you the last Juice box or let you watch your favorite tv show Just to make you happy. He was still Mario though my friend not my brother but that soon changed. It changed one early morning while my Dad and Pop were throwing around names that we could call Mario. Out of nowhere I said his name is â€Å"Joshua†. my parents were a little shocked but they liked the name and brother. Now that I think about it, what better name for a boy that tore down the barriers and showed me blind love and taught me care and faith in the unknown. The name Joshua comes from the Bible. He was the leader of the Israelites after Moses. One of the most important and most well known stories of Joshua is when he marched around the gates of Jericho and his army and him blew rams horns and marched seven days around the city of because God had told Joshua that on the seventh day the walls would fall. This reminds me of my brother Josh. He followed blind love and faith and he tore down the walls I had around my heart, much like Joshua in the Bible and his blind faith. For me this was an event that changed me. I learned love and I learned care from a boy of only two years old. The second event was my adoption though it went before Joshuas im choosing to explain the events by the most impactfull for me. lt started as all adoption days start . I got up and my Pop and Dad gave me a bath. They obsessed over my hair and my brand new suit. As a kid I loved getting all dressed up it gave me a reason to forget who I was and pretend I was someone else. I remember walking out the door and feeling like I was the boss and the baddest thing to hit this earth since sliced bread. I got in the car and my parents prept me on what I was going to be asked and how I should answer. Behind all the prep talk I could see the pure excitement and Joy in their eyes and tears. Even though I was young I knew this was a big deal I knew that this was the day that my fathers and I were going to be together forever if all went well. I knew we were a family whether or not it went well but somehow even at a young age I felt that the adoption was more for them than me it was a sign to them that all there hard work had paid off and they could feel the pure Joy and excitement ofa child . I couldn’t help but feel excited too. When we got to the courthouse in san jose my godmothers were there my uncle dale and cousins and my godfathers. Everybody was asking me if I was excited and there was a never ending stream of kisses and hugs. they told me to weight in a side room well they finished up the rest of the paper work after what seemed like a lifetime of waiting they finally brought me in and lead me two the courtroom. When I walked in we sat down in chairs in front of the Judge. At the time I was a little more excited with the fact that there was a microphone on the desk. I kept singing songs and yelling into it. Finally the Judge told me to stop and asked me a serious of long questions that I can’t begin to remember. Which I answered yes too to them all. There was one question I do remember it was the last question he asked me †Do you Alexander Ignacio Shupe-Shellooe take these two loving parents to be your parents for the rest of your life i said mies†. At that point my Pop started to cry I didn’t get why he was crying I felt bad I thought I said something wrong. â€Å"Pop why are you Crying†â€Å"Because I’m so happy son†I didn’t get it then but I do now. After the long search for their child the struggle to get me in there home the fght against hatred and stereotypes to finally have the government let me n my parents home it was finally over they had won. As I grew older I became more aware of the underlying significance of this event. I promised myself that one day i would find a dream and pursue it to the end so I can feel the Joy my Dads felt and the overwhelming happiness . The last event is a small conversation i had that made me think and wonder about the other kids think , you’re a warrior Alex I know you can make it so dont bring yourself down you have made it through two years of treatment you have tought me alot. lll miss you I have seen you grow and have witnessed your pain and your hurt. You have gone from a kid who punched walls till his knuckles bled and would fght any kid who looked at him wrong cause he was scared of everything . Tto who you are now a kid who looks after the younger boys whos a leader in this school and has helped the school through some of the roughest times. You still have anger and pain don’t forget it. Use it to fuel you to pursue your dreams smile big love your life but don’t forget the hurt †That was the last time I ever talked to Sean, Sean was my mentor the wise man who lead me and guided me through my work through treatment. The words he Just spoke to me would change me. as leaving treatment for the first time in two years getting ready to embark on a new Journey. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was all worth it if the experience was really a life changing event. I thought about Sean and the kids I have met the tears I’ve shed and the Joy I had felt. I started to realized that no matter how bad it was I would never take it back . The days I woke up early and had to work in the yard tending plants and gardening and picking fruits to the kids I had swear to me they kill me to the adults that pounded in manners and respect into my mind. Those were things that made e into who I am now. I knew that when I left treatment I was leaving as a new kid. I no longer hated the world for the hurt I felt when I was younger or for putting me in treatment. I love the world I have learned to cherish everything I have and be thankful for all the gifts I have been givin . 1 realized that behind all the pain and hurt and anger is sadness. I was going to use the sadness to fuel my determination to do better in my life. Even though I was leaving and didnt know what was going to happen I had new insight on how to handle hard things in my life. How do all these experiences connect with eachother. They all contain a overall blanket lesson percervierence. Weather or not it was my brother pushing for my love and exceptince or my parents struggle and fght to have me legally called there son or even a simple chat to one friend to another about never giving up these all talked about the struggle to move forward. These are the stories that made me into who I am now. Who I am I im Alexander Ignacio Shupe Shellooe a loving caring percerverent boy who is striving and looking for a goal that gives him happiness and joy and does not fear hardship because thats what will fuels him for success in his life. How to cite Life events, Essays
Saturday, May 2, 2020
My Future Career Becoming a Nurse Essay Example For Students
My Future Career Becoming a Nurse Essay Have you ever thought about what you are going to do in the future? What job will you take? Are you going to take this job just because of the money or because this is what makes you happy? Before and even now, I certainly believed that taking on the right profession was fundamental to my happiness and welfare. If I could choose any job in the world, I would choose nursing. Becoming a nurse is a goal that I want to achieve in the future. Nursing is a great profession that will enable me to show compassion to people; it is a rewarding job; also, it makes me aware of my own health and my family’s health. I want to become a nurse because I love to show compassion to people. The ability to help or save other peoples’ lives is a great incentive for me. When I become a nurse, I know I will see people that are not always in their best condition, but being able to take care and help them recover their health is a reward to itself. I figure that I probably will not get often a ‘thank you’, but knowing and seeing that I make someone overcome his/her illnesses will enough satisfaction if I will know that it was my abilities and skills that made him/her recover. Nursing is a rewarding job because the salary is really substantial. I’m not just going to help other people and enjoy my career, but also have $66,000 salary that I’ve wanted. Imagine the feeling of getting my first paycheck! That must be really, really great. Also I want my parents to be proud of what I’ve achieved, and I can finally help them pay some of the bills. I grew up depending on them, and I don’t want to always depend on them anymore. This time, all I want to do is share them what I have earned. Becoming a nurse also keeps me aware of my own health and my family’s health. When I was a kid, I got pneumonia. I was really, really bad because I also have asthma, so I almost died of it. It was a nightmare for me! If someone in my family gets sick, I want to be the one will help them overcome their illness. I hate to see my loved ones suffering, especially my mother who has a heart problem. I hate to see her when she is hurt, or in pain. What I hate the most is that I want to help her, but there is nothing that I can do about it. Because of this, it just makes me pursue becoming a nurse in the future even more. All in all, I love to show compassion to people. Seeing a very sick person overcome his/her illness is enough satisfaction for me. I’m not just helping other people, but also I can have $66,000 salary that I’ve always wanted; I can finally help my family to pay some of the bills and also make them proud of what I’ve become. Lastly, it makes me aware of my own and my family’s health. I will be able to help myself and my family when some of us are sick. These are the reasons why becoming a nurse is a goal that I want to achieve in the future.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Midsummer Nights Dream Essays (401 words) - Demetrius, Hermia
Midsummer Night's Dream William Shakespeare intensifies the emotion of love and foolishness in the epic tale of four lovers and an enchanted forest in his classic Midsummer Night's Dream. Early in this work, we learn of two young maidens, Hermia and Helena, and their unfulfilled passions. Hermia, the daughter of a gentleman, is cast into the burden of marrying a suitor, Demetrius, chosen by her father for which she does not love. Instead, she has fallen for Lysander. To agitate further, Helena is madly in love with Demetrius, who treats her as if she does not exist. As a result, Helena's emotions can be shared by everybody: infatuation, betrayal, jealousy, and spite. Therefore, it is Helena's character that answers to comedy as a tortured soul among lovers in fairyland. Everywhere in the play, Helena plays the victim of Demetrius' apathy. We find pity for poor Helena when she finally catches up to Demetrius in the forest and says "I'll follow thee and make a heaven of hell, to die upon the hand I love so well" (336). In desperation, Helena cries "we cannot fight for love, as men may do; we should be woo'd and were not made to woo" (336). So unrequited is her love that she begs him "Stay, though thou kill me, sweet Demetrius" (340). Helena's jealousy of her friend Hermia emerges from her soliloquy "Happy is Hermia, wheresoe'er she lies, for she hath blessed and attractive eyes" (340). When she finally receives the attention and affection from Demetrius, she becomes mortified at the thought that Hermia and Demetrius have plotted to humiliate her even further by mocking her. Helena vehemently protests "O spite! O hell! I see you all are bent to set against me for your merriment" (345). When she finally encounters Demetrius and Hermia, she questions the decency of their motives "Have not set Demetrius, who even but now did spurn me with his foot, to call me goddess, nymph, divine and rare, precious, celestial?" (346). Her torment is so real that she slowly embraces the fate of her existence. "But fare ye well. ?Tis partly my own fault, which death, or absence, soon shall remedy" (346). Fortunately, as with all comedies during the Elizabethan era, the play ends and "everything turns out exceptionally well" (327). With the help of the fairies, Demetrius pairs with Helena and she becomes a tortured soul no more. The only question left to ponder is the view of humanity as seen in this play a just view of love or that of infatuation, lust, and merriment?
Friday, March 6, 2020
Literary Analysis Essays
Literary Analysis Essays Literary Analysis Essay Literary Analysis Essay El Dorado, a ballad poem written by Edgar Allan Poe, is notably one of his most prolific, and prominent works. It depicts the journey of a knight searching for the â€Å"land of El Dorado†, while enduring a loss of strength, and affliction of old age. The term â€Å"El Dorado†is frequently used metaphorically to describe a utopia, true love, success, or sincere happiness. There are various interpretations of what Poe was referring to in his mentioning of El Dorado. However, it is highly probable that due to the text, and the context surrounding the poem; that El Dorado is synonymous with a wanted lover, or an ideal woman suitable for the knight. Throughout the poem, Poe refers to a â€Å"shadow†which symbolizes the knight being without a partner, and the depressing, gloomy feeling he gets from being alone. In the first stanza, Poe writes â€Å"A gallant knight / In sunshine and in shadow / Had journeyed long / Singing a song / In search of El Dorado†(2-6). In these lines the shadow is used to compare the joyous, jubilant life of being in love, represented by sunshine; with an empty feeling, and deep desire for companionship. Furthermore, he stresses that the knight has experienced both the feelings of love, and loneliness; but strives to continue his endeavor of finding the love of his life. As the story progresses, the burden of searching vigorously for an acquaintance becomes increasingly evident where Poe writes â€Å"But he grew old / This knight so bold / And o’er his heart a shadow / Fell as he found / No spot of ground / That looked like El Dorado†(7-12). At this point in his life, the knight has grown old, and begins to lose hope of ever finding the perfect woman. Towards the end of the poem, the meaning of the shadow shifts from being the deep desire the knight has to find a partner, to a ghost-like illusion that he encounters which presumably serves to guide him to El Dorado. â€Å"And as his strength / Failed him at length, / He met a pilgrim shadow / â€Å"Shadow†, said he, / â€Å"Where can it be / This land of El Dorado? †(12-18). After years of searching for the ideal woman, the knight reaches his breaking point and is consulting the shadow for the pathway to his lover. The shadow instructs the knight to continue searching for El Dorado through the â€Å"Valley of the Shadow†. When looked at in context, this valley serves as a symbolic representation of the future sadness, and disappointment that awaits the knight if he wishes to continue his search for a lover. One of the most beneficial ways to understand the meaning of this poem is to analyze the context. It is imperative to have an understanding of the larger picture. When taken into consideration the time, and place in which this poem was written; it is by no means farfetched to believe that the term â€Å"El Dorado†is being used in a romantic sense, to represent true love. The poem was published in 1849, which was one of the defining years of the Romantic Movement. During this time, many authors were attempting to relinquish the conservative social norms brought about during the Age of Enlightenment. They aspired to promote the freedom to openly express love towards an individual. I believe that the life of Edgar Allan Poe had a crucial impact on the writing of this poem. Poe’s life dealt heavily with romance, and the desire to be loved. In 1935, he married his 13 year old cousin who died 12 years later. While attending the University of Virginia, Edgar Allan Poe was heartbroken when he discovered that his sweetheart, to whom he had been engaged, eventually married another man. Overall, Poe spent his life pursuing happiness, while encountering much sickness, financial instability, and death; all of which played huge roles in the writing of El Dorado. The poem expresses a man who spent his life searching for a sense of satisfaction; and Poe’s life, ironically enough, is a direct reflection of the character he writes about. Scott Peeples, a Poe scholar, notes that El Dorado is â€Å"a fitting close to a discussion of Poe’s career†. This statement was made partly due to the fact that the poem was published 4 months before Poe’s death. The metaphors of shadows, mountains, and the land of El Dorado itself, serve as evidence that Edgar Allan Poe attempts to portray a man desperate to find his true love. When viewed from the perspective of Poe, it is apparent that he would want to express his own life’s journey of searching for happiness, while often finding only anguish, and despair. The knight growing old, losing his strength, and becoming depressed, is an analogous storyline, fitting Poe’s life.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
The Cyclermate Project -Referral Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Cyclermate Project -Referral - Essay Example In human relation planning, few changes are recommended in hr structure of the company. Short term marketing planning has also been made. Last requirement of investigation will be stated followed by recommendation for the overall growth of the company. Finally, a brief conclusion of this report will be provided. PEST Analysis PEST analysis has been done to assess the impact of environmental factors on the company’s business operations. Political factor has a substantial impact on labor law, income tax, trade barriers etc. Current number of worker is less than the output of the company. So, they recruit very less people and the workers have to work overtime for achieving company’s production target. But, the workers are not getting paid at normal wage rate for overtime work. This situation results frequent strike by them which affect the flow of productivity. Continuous overtime work is also the reason for lower productivity rate of individual workers. Economical factor has a major impact on financial health of a company. Though there is not any substantial impact of external environmental factors on the business but few internal issues are there which affect the economical stability of the company. Major issues is company’s purchase of bigger assets like it has purchased a huge warehouse which actually not needed according the demand and production capacity of the company. if they would have bought a smaller warehouse based their production capacity and inventories capacity then they would have invest the rest amount for new product development which would have more essential for the company’s product portfolio. This badly affected company’s economical stability. Social factor has strong impact on organizational culture and human factor of the company. Organizational work culture is of lower standard than what it should be as the workers have to overtime work each h and every day and also they do not get leaves by their won de mand. This is because the company has lesser number of employees than its production target. Technological factor has major impact on production division of a firm. Cyclermate has been using manual methods for production of cy-cycles. They do not adopt technology advancement for production process like use of hi-tech machines for faster production. Using technology would enhance its productivity and the worker also would not have do overtime work. A single employee is responsible whole administrative work without help of any technology. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis has been developed to assess internal and external factors like strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of the company. Strengths Employees of Cyclermate are the main strengths of the business as they are expert of making good designed and quality cycles. The company has huge warehouse for higher level production and stock management. The company was one of the leading bicycle companies in the market. Owner of the compa ny has a potential investor to raise fund for the company’s new project. Weakness Cyclermate do not provide initial training to the new workers and thus it has maximum number of untrained workers which is a major weakness of the company with respect to productivity of the company. Employees do not have any specific job roles. They do not display the variety of products in the company showroom in Wales. The company has done ineffective investment by purchasing a huge warehouse
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Life Expectancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Life Expectancy - Essay Example However, these life expectancy levels do not necessarily mean that all are expected to live for these ages. One may die earlier or even later based on the lifestyles and other occurrences that may not be expected to occur. Life expectancy at birth is the number of years that a new born child is expected to live before they die. According to WHO, life expectancy at birth has increased world over by 6years since 1990. This has been so due to increased healthcare, technology and social conditions. Other factors that are direct determinants of life expectancy are physical fitness, general health conditions and poverty. The discouragement of smoking in England or the alternative encouragement of physical fitness has augured well towards encouraging the increase in the life expectancy. As such, since this practice has continued to receive positive response from the citizens, life expectancy in England is expected to continue increasing. The growth of the same in the United States of America is slightly below this rate and the reasons for this are discussed herein. Eileen Crimmins-2004 proposes that reductions in mortality were as a result of a reduction in the load of chronic inflammation and infection. The health improvements in Europe can highly explain the effected change. The improvement of the different aspects of healthcare production can be highly praised for the reduced mortality rates in the United Kingdom. From wide studies, it has been reported that improved technological application in healthcare delivery, milestone coverage in genetic engineering and an increased awareness of diseases and viruses (Vallin, MesleÌ &Valkonen, 2001). Medicinal delivery has been experiencing an increased rate of technological advancement in the last decade. This can be clearly highlighted by the introduction of the targeted Cancer Therapy, natural Orifice
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Contract Law Essays XYZ Building Services Ltd
Contract Law Essays XYZ Building Services Ltd X, the MD of XYZ Building Services Ltd, is considering drafting a standard set of terms and conditions to use in contracts with his customers. Write a report for him explaining What steps he needs to take to ensure that the standard terms are in fact part of any contract he makes with a customer The extent to which he is free to include any term he wants in his standard terms and The provisions of contract law about termination and breach of contract which he may wish to take into account when drafting his standard terms. Background: In order for the customer and XYZ to be bound by standard terms and conditions there should be a set of criterion filled. These conditions should be treated as exclusion clauses as they are the extreme conditions to be enforced. For these standard terms and conditions to be enforced there needs to be a valid contract, which means that four requirements have to be fulfilled. A valid contract must have the following elements; offer; acceptance; consideration; capacity; and intention. These are present in this contract when XYZ offers his work and the customer accepts verbally or in writing. There is also intention because there is an understanding that XYZ will turn up to work on a certain day and the customer will pay a certain fee, which is evidence of consideration as the customer is at a disadvantage.This is a valid contract, however the next area to explore is whether the exclusion clause and standard terms apply because the customer has never worked with XYZ and at the verbal con tract point does not indicate what his usual terms and conditions are. Basic Requirements of Ensuring Enforceable Standard Terms and Conditions: Under contract law there are only three ways that they can be incorporated which are: By signature even if they are not read; By notice where there has to be sufficient notice By custom where there have been previous dealings between the parties even if the clause is added in later. In every case XYZ should ensure that there is case is a signature in case there is no indication of previous dealings, hence the customer may not bound by these conditions yet. Therefore one has to consider the case of notice, off hand there is no notice as XYZ fully indicates what these conditions and the question is whether the average person would have notice, especially as XYZ is an builder and the customer as a business and these could be construed as standard conditions in the business; but this would be easy to prove as notice was given due to XYZ giving these terms and conditions before the contract was agreed and giving a good indication of their nature at this level. Unenforceable Standard Terms and Conditions In every case that a signature is required it gives rise to the opportunity where the terms were fully expressed but under contract law there could be one problem with the contract if the customer has received the contract in their hands and failed to read it the case of Alderslade v Hendon Laundry Ltd if the exclusion clause can only be construed in negligence and in certain circumstances then it is applicable and as The customer received the usual terms and conditions before XYZ started the work, i.e. they had a chance to end the contract then they are bound by them. However, the case of White v John Warwick Co has held that liability for negligence will not normally be excluded. Therefore it is still very confusing whether XYZ is excluded from the damages that the customer is seeking, therefore the statutory provisions of the UCTA and Sale and Supply of Services Act 1982 (SGSA). Is XYZ is liable for the damages that a customer may ask for? In response there is little evidence in whether the exclusion clauses should be supported or not. Under UCTA Section 2 it holds that negligence cannot be excluded in respect to personal and/or death bat all. In relation to other loss/damage liability cannot be excluded unless there is reasonable notice. Section 11 holds that the reasonable test is that the term is fair and reasonable and whether the individual should have reasonably known or in contemplation of when the contract was made. This is similar to the case law discussion; however it is written from the point that negligence can not be excluded except in strict circumstances. There was no real notice in this case, especially when the verbal contract was made. Therefore it is very likely that this clause will not be upheld as the case of Andrews Bros (Bournemouth) Ltd v Singer and Co Ltd holds that exclusion clauses against the party seeking to rely on them. Yet in relation to the damages to the customer it has to be determined if there is remoteness of damage, whereby monetary compensation can be claimed for a failure to perform a primary obligation as this is a breach and/or the loss for any breach of a secondary obligation. In respect to the negligence that has caused personal injury to persons the law states that this cannot be excluded under Section 1(2) of the UCTA, therefore it has been shown that the customer may claim for this. Reasonableness Test, Breach and Questionable Standard Terms and Conditions Again we must turn to whether there is reasonable notice to exclude liability and under the SGSA Section 16 where restricting liability for breach of implied terms arising from Sections 13-15 is subject to the reasonable test and provisions of the UCTA, where the reasonableness test is based upon the common law officious bystander test that is defined in Sir Law v Southern Foundries Ltd which is a stricter test for exclusion clauses where it has to be so reasonable and that the notice is sufficient that the officious bystander would agree to its terms. This basically holds that there are implied terms such as a reasonable quality of goods and services and that it should be completed in a reasonable quality and should be usable. This means that the exclusion of liability for faulty equipment and liability for faulty work cannot be excluded. This means that these two exclusion clauses cannot be upheld. In respect to the negligent completion of work i.e. was there reasonable excuse for the negligence. Yet it was an express term of the contract and without reasonable excuse this exclusion clause it is possibly not going to be upheld, this is rule from an early common law principle. Yet there is the question whether this is reasonable exclusion for the trade. However, as in the case of Edmund Murray Ltd v BSP International Foundations Ltd it was held that it was not fair and reasonable for the party in breach to rely on an exclusion clause for failing to meet the specifications of the other party. Therefore this again will be subject to the reasonableness test where the test applied to the whole term and to the particular reliance on it. Therefore if it is a specific term of the contract to be finished by the certain date and made clear by The customer and XYZ did this as it was then it is very likely it can be excluded because it is a trade standard. Finally, if one considers the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 (UTCCR) if the term does not create an unfair balance in detriment to the consumer it can be upheld. Yet as this does create an unfair balance and puts the customer at a loss then they will be protected from the exclusion clause as a consumer, even though she is acting for her business. However are the circumst ances of this variation sufficient enough for the customer to claim? If the swimming pool was properly marked the work would have been finished within the time period would variation to the contract be acceptable? Therefore is there a reasonable excuse for the variation and did both the customer and XYZ have equal bargaining power? The first question to ask is whether the circumstances that lead to the variation of the contract would have frustrated the contract, if the variation is perfectly acceptable as long as the customer was not put under duress to accept the new terms. Bibliography J. Beatson (1998) Anson’s Law of Contract 27th Edition, Oxford University Press Buyer (The), 2002, Aspects of Frustration, Buyer 24(12) Groves, 2004, Force Majeure, Bus Ad 2.10 (2) David Kelly, Ann Holmes Ruth Hayward (2002) Business Law 4th Edition, Cavendish Lunney Oliphant, 2000, Tort Law: Text Materials, Oxford Uni Press Ewan McIntyre, (2004) Business Law, Longman
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Influence of Advertising Essay
The Influence of Advertising The Influence of advertising on our lives for both children and adults has been enormous. In today’s society, it stands for communication, motivation, opportunities, information as well as art. However at the end, the purpose of all of these factor is business. Every advertisement has a clear purpose, no companies will put out an ad on tv or radio without a clear purpose because the cost for putting out an ad in today’s society is immense. In today’s society, beauty ads have large party of advertising, beauty ads not only have effects on the older generation, they also have effects on the young generation. For the young generations, beauty ads convey the message of the secrets or methods to stay young, and for the older generations, beauty ads convey the message of how to become and look young again. The beauty ads today are not only advertising their product but advertising the belief they’re trying to sell to the people, mostly females. The companies are trying to make their customer believe that if they use the product they’ll look ten years old younger even though it is not true. For those people who are old â€Å" To age is to learn the feeling of no longer growing, of struggling to do old tasks, to remember familiar actions. As curtin mentioned. However As the belief of beauty product can make people stay young, more and more older generations started to forget their ages because of their temporarily younger appearance . For those people who are young, the companies are trying to sell them the idea of the secret of retaining young. It is a false method to make the young generation to believe they can stay young forever because eventually one day they will wake up and realize all the money they spent on their beauty product was a waste, and there is nothing that can keep them young forever. The negative effect of beauty products that apply to all generations is the obsession of buying these products, and pay too much attention about their physical appearance. This negative effect will create a false sense of needs in people, when in fact they do not really need the items and the products that they are buying. and thanks to advertisements, this illusion is easily perpetrated, The products being offered through advertisements appear to be the tickets to happiness and ageless.
Friday, January 10, 2020
How does media censorship violate freedom of expression and impact businesses Essay
Discuss how censorship of the media is a violation of the freedom of expression and its impact on businesses in Malaysia. Censorship is the resistor of information and ideas distributed within a society, or can be defined as the act of changing a message, including the change of deletion (complete elimination of the message), between the sender and receiver. Censorship is a tool that can be used to accomplish good or evil but must be used carefully and only when truly necessary. Media censorship takes many forms in the way you get your news, while most information is edited at length some information is edited to keep delicate information from the public and this is usually done to protect a person’s privacy and also to protect media outlets from corporate or political fallout. Freedom of expression is the right to express ones ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others character and/or rep utation by false or misleading statements. An example of freedom of expression is freedom of press. Freedom of expression is an important human right. It also underpins most other rights and allows them to flourish. The right to speak your mind freely on important issues in society and to access information plays a vital role in the healthy development process of any society. Censorship is an expanding issue in Malaysia as they want to reach a knowledge based economy which is an economy that uses knowledge to generate tangible and intangible assets and using technology to transform a part of human knowledge to machines. Malaysia having one of the world’s firmest systems of media censorship with about a hundred movies being barred in the past 10 years on the ploy of upholding morality and the internet however remains unconstrained in line with keeping civil liberties and preserving democratic spaces. Article 10 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia states that everyone has a right to freedom of expression but on many occasions people’s right to implement their freedo m of expression is restricted and selectively based on the freedom of choice of the government. The restrictions are justified under the maintaining racial harmony and public order. Professor Dr. Shad Saleem Faruqi argued that the constitution offers a rather weak provision for freedom of speech predominantly as a result of adjustments following the May 1969 clashes. The right includes freedom to give opinions and to obtain and convey information and ideas without disturbances by public authority irrespective of borderlines. To exercise freedom, it comes with duties and responsibilities, and may be exposed to formalities, conditions, restriction or penalties set by the law (The Sun, 2005). In the case of Chai Choon Hon v, Ketua Polis Daerah, Kampar and Government of Malaysia (1986), Choon applied for a license to hold solidarity dinner in public space. His application was accepted but stamped with seven restrictions, two he felt were unfair. The speakers should not exceed seven and that no speech to touch on political issues. It was turned down when he sued at that federal c ourt but was granted to go ahead by the supreme-court judge. In this case we see how the government’s power to regulate meetings and event is not absolute. Such right is easily abused especially towards businesses and rival politicians, this comes to show that freedom of assembly remain safeguarded and only restricted when it is absolutely necessary. Daniel J.Boorstin, who was known as the leading intellectual public position in the nation argued that any sorts of censorship â€Å"has no place in a free society.†Hence, media censorship is deemed unlawful or in violation of human rights and should undergo judicial review1. Even the Malaysian Press Institute chairman Datuk Azman Ujang himself claimed, â€Å"Media censorship will not really aid the country because Malaysia needs a free press that shows maturity and progress in order to evolve.†Although he rejects complete press freedom due to existing laws and sensitivities of certain areas, â€Å"press freedom is essential when the foreign community reflects on our country2.†Exclusion of the media is an extremely ruthless constraint on freedom of expression and information in these boundaries should only be placed where there are obvious safety concerns. An unfortunate example would be when the MIC President, S. Samy Vellu had the authorities charge Awang Se lamat under the Sedition Act because of an article â€Å"Malays betrayed?†even though open and civil discussions on race and religion are essential in the evolvement of the nation’s ethical boundaries3. Hence, to ban certain views is a grave violation of freedom of expression for the individual and the community. An appealing argument favoring media censorship however is the security of secrets. For example, in 2008 when Mumbai was attacked by terrorists, media censorship could have been used against news reporters who revealed the counter-terrorist’s operation clearly because terrorists in their hideout could have been pre-warned of the impending actions of the counter-terrorists. Hence, some information is best unknown. Nevertheless, if a foreign press is producing an unbiased discussion on the leadership of our country and the ruling coalition bans such information from the nation, democracy would be no different from dictatorship. Moreover, if knowledge does not spread, it will lead to intellectual stagnation which would not have brought humanity to its present day. Basically, it is about the balance and authorities need to identify the rationale behind that censorship and censor the media as per that rationale4, not according to the selfish benefits of the ruling authorities. Subsequently, Malaysian officials have ordered bookstores to stop selling ‘Where did I come from?’ by British author Peter Mayle, a sex education book which intends to help parents explain to children topics regard ing sex, conception, and birth5. Children should be acknowledged with such topics to avoid mistakes that could have been made in their future. It is not necessary to ban such books as bookstores nowadays significantly display books that have been banned in the past and it took personal courage and long, hard work to undo that ban which should not exist in the first place. Many older teenagers are knowledgeable about sex beyond the imaginations of their parents and are ravenous to scrutinize serious issues concerning life and to have their ideas taken seriously6. Hence, further knowledge should not be stopped from them. After all, books that have no prospect of school purchase can, and do extend freely to infinite possibilities of the English language. Nevertheless, readers and audiences are normally unable to choose what to present and what not to present in the media because everything is already out there unconsciously. The only choice they could make is to select what kind of information and ideas they want to obtain. However, in Malaysia, all contents which are deemed as inappropriate or sensitive are subject to censorship from being reported to the society, be it external forced or â€Å"self-censorship†. The Malaysian government strictly limits the print media from both legislations i.e. reduce citizens’ freedom of expression and free flow of information. There are very few independent publications among Malaysia’s media due to the restrictions of obtaining a publishing license8. It is much easier for magazine publishers to obtain a license compared to newspaper agencies because most of the magazine topics regard lifestyle issues. For foreign publications in Malaysia, there is a history of threatening censorship, delaying issues, and sporadically the complete banning of an issue of a magazine. Research showed that there were infrequent attacks on foreign journalists and foreign publications because they have published some supposedly censored news about Malaysia. For example, during the Bersih 3.0 rally when Al-Jazeera stressed that they have not been censored in this manner by any other distribution platform in the world and condemns Malaysia for that9. The Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 (PPPA) is one of the harshest of the media laws in Malaysia. Its statute in section 4(1), 7(1), and 9(1) of the act demonstrates how stern the law is regarding the censorship of the print media of the nation10. This Act required all print media to acquire an annual publishing license despite the home minister’s authority to suspend or revoke publishing permits easily11. The government has extensive seizure powers over printing presses and publications license. Ong Boon Keong, one case in Penang that shows the PPPA reduce the freedom of expression, Ong Boon Keong the Community leader was accused for breach of the PPPA and the Aiyoh Penang, a bulletin which was published unlicensed. This action has not been taken by the police on pressing charge on Ong till today. Section 3 of the Act gives the Internal Security Minister a legally permit license and also refuse any application for a license. The Internal Security Act 1960 deals with publications which forbid materials that contain substance such as violence, not accordance to the law and causing disruption to the peace and security In Malaysia. Action is allowed to be taken by the minister against all print media where the publishers’ writing has not taken â€Å"reasonable measures†to substantiate the truth of the news. Contravention of this Act will causes an RM 2,000 fine and, or up t o three years imprisonment. Nevertheless, numerous international parties including the UN Human Rights Committee as well as a number of constitutional courts globally have declared that, bans in publishing â€Å"false news†are deemed to breach the guarantee of freedom of expression. As the European Court of Human Rights mentioned, â€Å"Freedom of the press provides the public an ideal means of discovering and forming an opinion of their political leaders’ ideas and attitudes†. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) imposed formal legal obligations on State Parties to abide its term and had elaborated many of the rights including the Article 19 of Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR). The right to freedom of expression stated in Article 19 of the ICCPR collateral is closely similar to that in Article 19 of the UDHR as â€Å"Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression which shall comprise freedom to seek, receive and impart information and id eas of all kinds†. Although Malaysia is an authoritative elaboration of the rights set out in the UDHR, it has no confirm with the ICCPR. Censorship is a growing issue in many countries in the world and has direct effect in businesses. Businessmen today need truthful news or information that is important for their business. However, because of censorship they sometimes could not get the real news and end up with false news. Media censorship forces companies to take many steps to get proper news while the censorship board finds various ways to keep certain information hidden from becoming public. There are some businesses that actually run depending on the media and public. The newspapers and magazines give such information that helps businessmen to promote and run their business home and abroad. If the censorship board attempts to bar news that is relevant to certain businesses, the effects could be unspeakable. Thus, businessmen have to look through foreign news although foreign print media is often c ensored as well. The fact that Malaysia’s ruling parties control almost the entire press media including the New Straits Times, Malay Mail, The Star, Sin Chew Jit Poh, Guang Ming Daily, Nanyang Siang Pau, and China Press, not to mention Tamil newspapers like Malaysia Namban, Tamil Nesan and Makkal Osai12, political parties could always try to hide their news from others parties which may be related to important business information. So, often other businessmen receive fake or incorrect news that hampers business a lot. This is how censorship is affecting Malaysian business, by not letting foreign news agencies and magazines promote their news in Malaysian newspapers or magazines. The journalists in Malaysia always try to cover the whole true story behind any news or story. Sometimes, they have to bear physical harassment and can often sacrifice their lives to cover the real story. But their efforts get wasted for the obstruction of censorship. Businessmen are generally seen early every morning , eager to read the newspapers to get the latest news about the Business world. Censorship has always created a wall between the truth and lie. Malaysian government has banned many international newspaper agencies from entering into the Malaysian market. Some businesses fully depend on print media and Malaysian businessmen often need global information to cope with faster moving trends and fashions if they are operating their businesses internationally. Censorship causes problems such as businesses being not comprehensive enough of the circumstances of other countries causing logistical inefficiencies because of possible delays due to strike or any other corruptions in a certain country. Expectedly, the Malaysian business industry suffers much loss due to lack of information from the print media. The government has taken a few steps to make its control over the print media as a way to control the political scenario of the country. Subsequently, a safe campaign in 1998 led by Malaysia’s ruling party, Barisan National which enabled its constituent partie s to obtain corporate control over the four main Malaysia daily newspapers which are the News Straits Times Group, the Utusan Melayu Group, Star Publications and the Karangkraft Group. Operation Lalang was implemented on 27 October 1987. Two daily newspapers, The Star and Sin Chew Jit Poh, and two weekly newspapers, The Sunday Star and Watan, were shut down for a few months in this operation. Their publishing permits were also suspended temporarily. The Star which was the primary English newspaper that gave news in the Oppositions’ perspective was banned as its action was considered under the Sedition Act and during Operation Lalang, this newspaper was shut down. Most of the employees were being let go and become unemployed and also held behind bars under the Internal Security Act. The Sisters in Islam (SIS), an Islamic institution in Malaysia, was wondering why was the book that consists of research papers assembled by the activists and academics from Southeast Asia and the Middle East being banned in 2005 by the Home Ministry of Malaysia. It becomes a question because the book mainly focused on the trials and tribulations that Muslim women faced in their c ountries. The book also stresses on the women’s rights and how to avoid injustice. The newspaper, Suara Keadilan has their permit terminated in June 2010. This is because it was run by the opposition party led by Annuar Ibrahim and according to the Home ministry the news being published in the newspaper were not correct and misleading. All of these actions on the media have negative impacts on their businesses. When these publications were stopped, those of them who advertised their business in these publications were affected. They will lose financially because less people will know about their products. As for the publication house itself, it will have greater loss as it has no production which leads to no sales. This in turn means no income or profit. There will be opportunities given by the government to those who support them. On the other hand, those who promote the oppositions’ views or support their print media will have a hard time in obtaining government assistance for their businesses. Nevertheless, it is very important to know the government policy and the political trends to succeed in the business world. In conclusion, we find that censorship of the media is a violation of the freedom of expression and has a big impact on businesses in Malaysia. Malaysia being strict and firm on the issue of censorship is a legal constraint which limits and reduces the people’s freedom of expression and free flow of information. While censorship has pros such as preserving secrets of the nation and protecting the citizens of the nation, plagiarism and political motivated propagandas are avoided. Negative effects of censorship hinder ability for citizens to speak out and share their views, and rights to freedom of speech. Freedom of expression is compromised as it takes away the right of citizens’ big businesses inclusive to know and not allowing people to learn about products and therefore business can’t communicate certain information. This causes an increa se in costs and financial hardship to companies. Due to censorship, information received is imperfect and gathering of such information becomes harder. Any type of increase on cost to a business is bad hence having lower profits which means that businesses cannot reach full capability. As Print Media is the common use of communicating information to citizens, having limitation on the information broadcasted could hinder progress to businessmen as most businesses run and depend on print media i.e. Newspaper articles. Media censorship law Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 (PPPA) should be loosened with a decrease in restrictions to allow businesses to be dependent on media to blossom and give equal opportunities of success to all businesses. Article 19 of the UDHR and ICCPR should be implemented to keep justice within the nation and freedom of expression can be exercised more and fewer conflicts can take place in the nation. The government should not control people by censorship as it is a force against globalization and it works against creativity of businesses. In fact, censorship could show a different image to what is really going on which is the abuse of human rights.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Chad Pregracke from CNN and Odysseus are Heroes - 724 Words
A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, and/or noble qualities. A hero doesn’t have to be a fictional character. Heroes can be found in the real world too. CNN Hero of 2014, Chad Pregracke is known as a hero. This is because he is highly self sacrificing when it comes down to keeping the Earth clean. Odysseus, from the epic poem â€Å"The Odyssey†, is known as a hero also. The reasoning behind this is because on his way back home to Ithaca, he overcomes many obstacles and shows many traits while doing this. Chad Pregracke and Odysseus both display a number of heroic qualities. Chad Pregracke, an average everyday human being, is not so average after all. He is known as a modern day hero. He shows these traits that make up his hero like description through his thoughts, words, and actions. Pregracke, through his thoughts, shows that he is caring for the environment and its condition. People intentionally dumped (these) in the river and also littered, Pregracke said. Even 100 miles away, (trash) will find its way into a creek or a storm drain and into, ultimately, the Mississippi River.(CNN.com) Pregracke is heroically caring because he takes in mind what is going on in the world that could be effecting the environment negatively instead of ignoring it like most people do today. He never thinks about how it could just be ignored or moved past but how the garbage being dumped is hurting the environment and that it should not
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